Audit Interview Guidelines

Last Updated: December 31st, 2022/Views: 2468/0.9 min read/
Online HSE Software
Audit Interview Guidelines

Approach to Audit with  ‘Assumption of compliance rather than ‘Assumption of non-compliance

  1. Defensive and reserved interviewees to be skipped and interview stopped.
  2. If a mismatch between objective evidence and interviewee replies are identified the resolution should be sought in an attempt to identify the discrepancy in a joint effort and agreeing on the way forward.
  3. Do not embarrass the interviewees rather break the barriers and offer support in improving compliance;
  4. Do not say NO to a presented evidence, be open minded, either convince or get convinved;
  5. If the person occupyed the position only recently, try to interview the previous person in the same role.
  6. If Interviewees say they don’t have certain process/process in place, interview as many people as possible on the same issue. If all confirm the process is not available it can be really the case, but at least proves the process is there, then you need to conclude that there is an issue with implementation, rather than establishing HSE MS.

Do Not

  • Do not conduct individual interviews if it was not planned with the team. Team Integrity to be maintainted.

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