Contract HSE Management (PR-1171) Part 2- PDO

Last Updated: August 2nd, 2022/Views: 1475/

Company’s Policy Document, PL-04 “Health, Safety and Environment Protection”, requires that a systematic approach to HSE management be applied which shall require Contractors to manage HSE in line with Company’s HSE Policy.

Document PR-1171 has two parts:

  • Part I: Managing HSE in Contracts – for Company Personnel
  • Part II: Managing HSE in Contracts for Contractors

Part I describes each of the 12 tasks to be executed by Contract Holders, from strategy definition to close-out of a contract, to ensure that Contractors achieve the same (or higher) HSE standards as those required by Company for its own operations. The Procedure is based on a planned approach with attention being paid to HSE issues in the early Contract Phases in order to properly address HSE through the entire contract process.
The appendix contains the Contract Holder Check Sheet and RASCI

Part II is referenced, in document GU-140 “C9 HSE Specification minimum Requirements”, to enable Contractors, together with support from Contract Holders, to carry out Company prescribed HSE activities in the manner and at the level required by Company. Of particular importance in this section is the detail given for the preparation of the Contractor’s HSE Plan.
The input to each Contract Phase and the depth of analysis (the “Tasks”) primarily depends on the level of HSE risk presented by the contract activities, which consequently determines the actions and input required for the contract execution.

Whether a contract is large or small in scope and value the Tasks are all the same. Preparations for all contracts shall utilize the same systematic process of hazard identification, assessment, control, mitigation, and recovery (Hazards and Effects Management Process – HEMP), together with the demonstration that a system is in place to manage these hazards through a robust monitoring plan.


PR-1171 Part II, referenced in document GU-140, C9 HSE Specification Minimum Requirements, is a key document designed to assist and enable Contractor to carry out Company prescribed HSE activities in the manner and at the level required by Company. Of particular importance is the detail given for the preparation of Contractor Contract Specific HSE Management Plan section 2.6

It is mandatory that in any contract the HSE requirements of PR-1171 Part II are fulfilled by the Contractor. PR-1171 Part II shall be given to the Contractor to enable them to satisfy the requirements detailed below, in addition to all other contractual requirements.





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