RA-37 – Inexperienced Personnel Risk Assessment
- NA
- The new work environment including people and culture
- Traveling for work purposes
- Performing maintenance
- Operating unfamiliar equipment or machinery
- Risk Taking behavior
- Unsafe Culture from past experience
- Hiding Incidents
- Fatigue and Exhaustion
- Personnel Injury
- Damage to equipment
- Onboarding program
- Handover
- Follow recruitment process to ensure Mandatory trainings prior to joining the Unit
- Particular job related Competency Development Program
- Balance crew strength across the 5 hoists
- Green Hand Management
- Buddy System
- Doubling with experienced personnel
- Proper TBT prior to operation commencement.
- Clear work Instruction, backed up by SOP
- Continuous Supervision
- Intervention by experienced personnel
- Conduct regular performance follow-ups
- Not assignining Critical Tasks to green hands
- Fit for purpose equipment
- Planning of operations
- Contolled working hours
- Familiarization with Management view on reporting and assuring ‘No Blame Culture’ is used in Company
- Experienced crew available in the Field to help with recoveries
- Emergency Procedure
- Medical Team
- Ambulance
- Fire Team
- NA
- NA
- NA