HSE Advisor Annual Key Performance Indicators

Last Updated: December 31st, 2022/Views: 4391/2 min read/
HSE Advisor Annual Key Performance Indicators

Global KPI

 1 My Unit to Achieve Goal Zero target in 2018  100%
 2 Successful Roll out of BBS Program on my unit and proactively monitor BBS performance and Solooki on my unit. 100%


1 Rig Move: HSEA need to visit Rig/Hoist while preparing for rig move including rig down/up the mast; observe third party companies implementing the job. Focus on lifting operations and all other operations 1/month
2 Conduct Risk Assessment for an operation not availabe in the database 1/hitch


 1 check how Administrators do their job, which may include: HSE induction, Undesirable events log, filing system, POB, drills, etc.; 1/month

Engagement – Visibility

1 Attend Super Wednesday meeting; 2/week
 2 Attend RM engagement sessions, participate and prepare Presentation if needed; 1/month
 3 BBS Program
in addtion to follow up of outstanding actions raised by back to back.
100 cards/hitch

Continous Improvement

1 Make/suggest any HSE related improvements 1/yearly
2 Closeout of BBS Actions within the given timeframe 50%
3 Closeout action from Action Tracking system 50%
4 Closeout of PIM action within the given timeframe 100%

Knowledge & Awareness

 1 Conduct training sessions as per Internal training matrix; plus all other campaing trainings like LOD, etc. 1/bi-weekly
 2 Training Sessions
Train the personnel as per HSE Competency Development requirements
50% year
 3 Prepare 30 slide pack covering HSE topic chosen from the HSE Advisor competency matrix and present to UWN Management 1/2 hitches

Compliance and Assurance

1 HSE dashboard: Maintain and audit HSE dashboard for assigned units 1/year
 2 Make a full assigned unit inspection and add the findings into Action Tracking system;

Deliverable: Report with photos

 3 PTW Audit 15/month
 4 Make full Lifting gear inspection on one unit cross checking the lifting equipment on site with the valid Lifting gear register; analyze and highlight what is good and what required improvement; make full inspection report; 1/month
 5 Conduct detailed survey on Emergency Preparadness on assigened units; 1/3 months
 6 Conduct detailed survey on DROPS prevention program on assigned units; 1/3 months
 7 Participation on the Audits
Participate in Internal In-sourcing Management audits as well as external audits
 8 Audit Actions
Document and follow up external and internal audit actions
50% cloeout of Audit Actions within given timeframe
9 CCC compliance on assigned Units 95%

Incident Investigation

 1 Incident Investigation: Closeout Incident Investigation findings on his respective units 50%
 2 Incident Investigation: Conduct Incident Investigations within required timeframe with all required evidences collected 100%
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