Storm Prepartion Checklist
Precautions to be taken when cyclones and heavy rain alerts are issued:
Management Storm Preparadness
- Inform all staff and visitors of the potential for a storm.
- Notify all key administrative staff and Board Members of the anticipated plans. Begin and maintain regularly scheduled meetings.
- Notify all staff to update any recent changes to their contact information (new phone numbers, email addresses, etc).
- Open the Primary EoC and test all communications and data equipment.
- Confirm the status of all contracts and other agreements with partner or affiliate hospitals, agencies, primary and secondary vendors, contract staffing services, transportation (bus and Chair-Car) and ambulance companies or EMS agencies.
- Confirm contact information, business hours and off-hours for all affiliates, other service agencies and regulatory agencies
- Confirm contact information, business hours and off-hours for all current and back-up vendors.
- Test the functioning of all back-up communications devices such as portable radios, phones and remote paging systems.
- Verify the emergency plans of administrative staff, board members, and other office support staff.
- Provide information to the Public Relations Officer for use in developing risk communications and other new releases to be provided to staff and visitors.
- Work with partner or affiliate hospitals along with regulatory or supervisory agencies to determine the potential for open beds for patients that may require evacuation.
- Evaluate Human Resources policies which may need to be waived during an extended emergency, e.g., “Sleeping at the Workplace” and policies regarding overtime or on-call hours.
- Work with the HSE, Occupational Health Department and others to maintain a safe and healthy environment for staff and visitors.
- Encourage staff to execute a family preparedness plan
Individual Storm Preparedness
- Obtain additional food, water, sanitation supplies;
- Get fresh batteries for flashlights and portable radios, keep a flashlight/torch, battery and radio easily accessible as it will be vital in case of power failure;
- Contact relatives with their plans for sheltering or possible evacuation during the storm;
- Make arrangements for pets and livestock;
- Make copies of all important documents and carry them or place them in a secure location away from home;
- Obtain extra cash;
- Make a list of all important numbers such as
- insurance policy numbers,
- drivers’ license,
- passport numbers,
- National Emergency Numbers, etc.
- Prepare a “Go Bag” for each member of the family which includes clothes, medicines, toiletries and pastime items (books, cards, etc);
- If an alert is issued to evacuate, then do so quickly;
- If evacuating – ensure you shutdown gas, water and electricity supplies;
- If you are walking or driving then make sure you leave early enough as roads might be closed due to heavy rain or debris;
- Take note of shelters and emergency locations (accommodation/food/rescue services/medical services), in case you require them;
- Keep away from beaches and dams;
- Remember that precipitation for mountainous and highland areas, even for short periods of time, may be followed by floods, runoff off valleys and falling rocks;
- Identify high places and how to reach them;
Facility Storm Preparadness
- Remove loose objects from outside the home, condo or apartment or secure them from roof tops and gardens so that they do not fly away and cause damage;
- If trailers or other portable storage units are in use, make arrangements to empty the trailers of needed supplies. Then move the trailers to high ground or off-site to a protected area.
- If needed, secure statuary that could be overturned by severe winds or flowing water. Either remove these items, lay them down or add guy wires to stakes to increase their stability.
- Clean debris from all outdoor surface drains and troughs, and rooftop drains.
- If sandbags will be needed to protect against water intrusion or interior flow, obtain a sufficient quantity of sand and bags. If needed, obtain tarps or similar waterproofing membranes.
- If applicable, obtain the plywood, tarps, tape, fasteners and tools needed to board or protect low-lying glass panels, low-lying ventilation grates and louvers, and outdoor signs.
- Notify all staff of the need to remove plugged-in accessories prior to the storm’s arrival (fans, heaters, desk lamps, other personal items, etc.)
- Move all portable generators to their proper location. If applicable, secure the generators or trailers to prevent tipping. Properly ground all equipment.
- To ensure peak performance from all pumps, repair, replace and lubricate as necessary.
- Distribute portable pumps to areas where interior flooding has occurred in the past. As appropriate, connect discharge hoses.
- If using prefabricated or commercial water barricades, place them near the doors, windows or ventilation grates.
Do Not
- Do not sail the sea; if you own a boat then secure it and reach a safe place before the storm arrives;
- Avoid flooded places and valleys;
- Do not attempt to cross floods, even if the water level may seem low;
- Avoid standing close to light and electrical poles and be aware of overhanging cables
- Avoid walking in a streams if the water level is above your knee.
- Do not stay with vehicle if breaks down, leave it immediately and head to a higher place – water may sweep away the vehicle and occupants;
Leave your comments below, if you would like to share some more precautions, we might have missed.
Good one Fuad and the team.
Thanks a lot!