Assessing Risk for Lifting Operations

All lifting operations must undergo a task risk assessment in accordance with the site Safe Systems of Work procedure(s).
Generic lifting operations shall be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that the original Task Risk Assessments remain valid.
For all lifting operations, the degree of risk identified during the Task Risk Assessment shall determine the level of supervision required for the operation and the required experience of the personnel involved.
In particular, the Task Risk Assessment should account for:
- arrangements to ensure personnel do NOT work under suspended loads
- working, attaching, and detaching the load
- overloading
- overturning
- breakdown in communication during lifting (especially blind lifting)
- the environment and location
- proximity hazards
- pre-use checks by the operator
- deterioration in the condition of lifting accessories
- the experience, competence, and training of available personnel.
Task Risk Assessment shall specifically consider manning requirements for safe conduct of complex and blind lifts to ensure clear communication between all team
members participating in the lifting operation.