The purpose of a risk assessment tool in the oil industry is to identify and assess potential risks that [...]
Failure Tracking Techniques
Failure tracking techniques are methods used to identify and track failures or problems with equipment or processes. This can [...]
Task Analysis
Task analysis is the process of breaking down a task into smaller steps and examining each step to identify [...]
A hazard is a source of potential harm or danger. Hazards can be physical, chemical, biological, or psychological, and [...]
Risk Assessment
Risk is the potential for a particular hazard to occur and cause harm or damage. In the context of [...]
Toolbox Talk (TBT)
A toolbox talk is a short safety meeting that focuses on a specific safety topic. These meetings are typically [...]
Ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI)
A ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) can help prevent electrocution. If a person’s body starts to receive a shock, [...]
Fatality in Kuwait Oil Company, Deep Drilling Group
Incident Description During rigging down for rig move operation from UG-0333 to UG-0338 well, Assistant Driller (AD) named Phani [...]
ABS Wavesight
Features Main Features Safety Management Quality Management Health Management Environmental Management Other [...]
Fatal Incident in Al Baraka
Incident Description It is with deep regret and great sadness that we inform you of a work-related fatality that [...]
Unconfined Vapour Cloud Explosion (UVCE)
An unconfined vapor cloud explosion is an explosion following a leak of vapor that occurs in an unconfined space, outdoors. [...]
Confined Vapour Cloud Explosion (CVCE)
A confined vapor cloud explosion is an explosion following a leak of vapor that occurs in a confined space, such [...]