Dropped Monkey board Finger

Last Updated: December 31st, 2022/Views: 3106/







OAO MSCh Neftyanik

AO Messoyakhaneftegaz

Complaints: no complaints while examination, regularly restless, does not give answers, tries to stand up.

Anamnesis (present history): About 21:30 17.05.2017 a heavy metal object dropped down on the patient’s head. Then he fainted for 3 min according to the information provided by the other people. First Aid was administered by Medic on site then the Health Center Medic Group was called out and the patient was transported to the Infield Medic Center
The state is heavy. Consciousness – sopor (semicoma), regular restless, tries to stand up and go. Voiceless.

Injury: left parietal about 2,5cm, sharp, moderately bleeding

Diagnosis: open cerebro cranial trauma, parietal injury.

Treatment: The patient was consulted over phone with Traumatic Surgeon On-Duty of Noviy Urengoy Central Hospital, the transportation to Noviy Urengoy Central Hospital was approved (depending on the weather). The administering and management approved, evacuation is to be arranged by medical helicopter on the good weather conditions.


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