Electronic Management System

Last Updated: December 31st, 2022/Views: 1967/2.8 min read/
Electronic Management System

Dear Fellow HSE, the below is the short feasibility analysis for integration of Mobile devices with existing Management Systems in order to improve Comliance, Efficiency, Transparency


Currently a significant number of work process in most Company Facilities are paper based. Many of these processes are now LEANed to ensure focus on the core process objectives and eliminating waste. However they are still manual processes and there is always room for improvement.

By automating work processes and the embedment of the latest technology (Industrial Mobility), we can further streamline these processes, increasing staff productivity, improve data quality and establishing line of sight. Digitization will also enable data driven strategic improvements. All of the above are directly linked to Petroleum Comapny’s corporate goals: AIPSM, manpower efficiency, and Sweating the Assets

Non-EMS Current Conditions

  • Easy to fill forms by handwriting.
  • As example typical Operator Standard Work process has 9 out of 15 activities based on paper. Lots of rework retyping data into .xls ect. Printing paper.
  • Data quality not always up to standard. Lack of evidence.
  • No real “Line of Sight” on compliance. Estimated compliance 30%
  • Static strategy based on initial risk assessment but not updated.

Goals (SMART)

  • Improve staff efficiency with 25%
  • Improve compliance to plan with 60%
  • Establish Line of Sight

Root Causes of non-EMS challenges

Tools used to analyze the Root Cause: DILO, VSM AS-IS, 5 Why, Fishbone

Major findings:

  1. Over processing: Duplicate effort in copying data into .xls and shared drives. Storing paper files.
  2. Over processing: Not clear why certain activities are done with high frequency. Perception its to high.
  3. Over processing: Following actions in separate action tracking logs.
  4. Motion: Spending time on printing paper and finding SOP’s.
  5. Motion: Spending time compiling report

How to fix non-EMS challenges

  • Digitalize complete work process, planning executing and reviewing.
  • One-time data entry.
  • Standardized answers and digitized SOPs, add evidence (pictures/video’s/location)
  • Create personal visual management for compliance to plan.
  • Automated KPI’s and Dashboards
  • Single Action tracking System

Desired Benefits from Integration of EMS

  1. Increasing staff productivity – Manpower Efficiency Goals
  2. Improve data quality – Sweating the Assets
  3. Establishing line of sight

How to Sustain EMS

  • Dashboard compliance tracking .
  • Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) integration.
  • Review compliance during meetings.
  • Action tracking and follow-up.
  • Continues Improvement based on data.

Business Outcomes of integration of EMS

This is what has been observed after continous use of the digitalized system:

  • System operational for 5 months.
  • 95% Compliance to Plan
  • Full Line of Sight established.
  • Estimated 40% increase of staff efficiency.
  • End- user satisfaction of 4.2 out of 5.


The below are the posiible areas of improvement using EMS

  • Integrate Assurance work process (Audits)
  • Digitalization of Rounds (work checks)
  • Integration with existing Preventive Management System


Option 1

In order to acheive the above goals, smaller organization can make use of exising online tools like iAutor developed by SafetyCulture.com



Option 2

Develop your own application + software + Integration, taking into account network and data security. To be honest, even for a large companies this part can really cost a lot of time, energy and finance of course.


There is a company that specializes in Intrinsically Safe mobile devices, ICOM, by actually converting ordinarry devices into Ex by reassembling and adding heavy duty cases.

It’s products are perfect match for upstream Oilfield operations.

ECOM Intrinsically Safe Mobile Devices


Online FREE HSE Software

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