Fatality in Coal Mining

Last Updated: March 4th, 2022/Views: 406/







Incident Details

Coal Mine Fatality – On Wednesday, October 17, 2018, a 33-year-old auger helper with 3 days of total surface mining experience received fatal injuries during auger mining activities. The victim was attempting to move a section of auger steel by using the onboard crane when he was struck in the chest.

Fatality 8 Safety Alert


  • Maintain equipment in safe operating condition. Excessive pressure in a hydraulic circuit can drastically alter the control of booms, etc., creating serious hazards.
  • Establish policies and procedures for auger mining including, safe work procedures for removing auger steel from the auger tray.
  • Task train miners to recognize all potential hazards and understand safe job procedures before beginning work.
  • Monitor personnel routinely to ensure safe work procedures are being followed. Unauthorized persons should be kept clear of the work area.
  • Do not place yourself in a position that exposes you to hazards. Stand clear of suspended loads having the potential of becoming off-balanced while being moved.

Additional Information

This is the eighth fatality reported in calendar year 2018 in the coal mining industry and it is the first classified as Machinery. As of this date in 2017, thirteen fatalities were reported in the coal mining industry, with two in this classification.

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