RA-19 – Operating Forklift Risk Assessment
Forklift Operation
- Adjacent machinery; equipment and vehicles
- Load – overloading; stability
- Ground level – Unstable; uneven
- Personnel movement
- Operators incompetence
- Weather & environment;
- Inadequate lightings
- Rollover causing property damage and / or injury, including potential fatality
- Damage to adjacent vehicles; equipment
- Injuries to pedestrian / other personnel.
- Dropping of load causing damage to property & environment and; injury to personnel.
- Toolbox talk to define tasks; roles & responsibilities and identifying potential hazards;
- Training and competency of Operators
- Pre-use check and inspection of forklift
- Periodic inspection and maintenance
- Banksman / signal – wearing high visibility vest
- Load restraining device Designated Pedestrian area
- Designated vehicles parking area
- Specifications for forklift
- Provision of additional (portable) lightings
- Establish means of communication e.g. radios
- Daily checks
- Keys kept in the office or with the competent operator to prevent unauthorized use
- Reversing Alarm
- Operating within capacity
- ER procedures & Team
- Support vehicles
- Trained Medic & medical facility
- Medical evacuation vehicle
- NA
- NA
- NA