Loss Prevention Team

Last Updated: December 31st, 2022/Views: 735/0.8 min read/

What is Loss Prevention Team? ..

Term Loss Prevention Team means ..

Loss Prevention Team

  1. Safety: The Loss Prevention Team is a group of employees, present in every organization, which represents employees and management, and which addresses Health Safety and Environmental (HSE) issues. It is an empowered proactive team that assists in the prevention and mitigation of loss or damage to persons, assets or the environment.
    • LPT Leader – The person in charge of the LPT. This person is selected by the General Manager and trained as required. For all LPT matters, the LPT Leader reports directly to the General Manager.
    • LPT Member – Any person assigned to an LPT other than the LPT Leader.  LPT Members are co-selected by the LPT Leader and the Line Manager and trained by taking relevant trainings. LPT membership should be representative of the cross-section of job positions for the organization. One member of the LPT shall be from the organization management team.This is a part time responsibility.
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