HSE In turkey

Last Updated: December 31st, 2022/Views: 1961/3.7 min read/
HSE In turkey

Since I have just moved to Turkey, I tried to identify the process of getting legit permission to work as an HSE in Turkey.

So here is what is found out:

HSE Professional Certification in Turkey
  • Only Internal certificates issued in Turkey has a meaning for an employer in Turkey, otherwise he simply can not employ you as a Safety Professional under official terms.
  • Denklik. Certificates and Diplomas issued by foreign educational institutions are required to be checked for equivalence (turk. ‘Denklik’), where local authorities are checking where does the foreign cert fits into, in the Turkish Education System. https://denklik.yok.gov.tr/diploma-denklik-surecleri
HSE Professional Grades in Turkey

There are 3 grades for HSE Professional in Turkey – A – B – C.

  1. Grade A – has permission to work in the most hazardous industries, like mining, oilfield, etc.
  2. Grade B;
    One must work for 4 years in Grade B, to obtain permission to level up to A.
  3. Grade C – Engineering graduates get C level by default.
    One must work for 3 years at C level before being permitted to level up to the next grade.


  • All transitions to the next grade are accompanied by training delivered by a certified agency.
  • Once the training is successfully completed the candidate may attend a government exam to pass to the next level up.


  1. Participate in Training
  2. Take a test
  3. Obtain C Grade.
  4. Work for 4 years
  5. Participate in Training
  6. Take a test
  7. Obtain B Grade.
  8. Work for 3 years
  9. Take a test
  10. Obtain A Grade.
Turkish Government Institutions related to HSE
  1. There is a ministry dealing with HSE, “Ministry for Family, Labour & Social Services”, which sound like “Aile, Çalışma ve Sosial Hismetler Bakanlığı”.
  2. Guidance and Inspection Board inspect the compliance with OHS regulations at workplaces in addition to inspections in the field of working conditions such as employment status, wages, working hours, unionization.
  3. Social Security Institution  (SGK) collects and analyses data about labor life, provides occupational statistics and compensation in case of occupational diseases and accidents.
  4. Occupational Health and Safety Research and Development Institute  (İSGÜM) is an affiliated body of DGOSH. İSGÜM is responsible for carrying out the transaction related to the laboratories working in the field of OSH; conducting risk assessments, measurements, tests, and analyses at workplaces; organizing training and events to disseminate OSH culture.
  5. Labour and Social Security Training and Research Centre (ÇASGEM) organizes the training for professionals and other related target groups for OSH in addition to the other training related to labor life.
Human Resources (HR)

Personnel Disciplinary Measures

  • 3 warnings in place for the negligent workforce: verbal, written, final;
  • No Compensation is required for the workforce who is fired after 3 warnings;
  • There is an end of year performance appraisal and test, which affect annual pay rise;

Personnel Training

  • All employees must pass mandatory induction training, which lasts 16 hrs. 12 HSE, 4 Job-related. It is the responsibility of the company HSE person to conduct it.
  • All personnel must own certs proving their vocational training.
  • There are vocational training arranged by the Ministries.

Laws & Regulations

  1. Law No. 6331 – Occupation Health and Safety Law of Turkey;
  2. Law No. 6331, Article 27, Paragraph 3 – The Ministry may request and archive all kinds of documents or information pertaining to the works and transactions to be carried out in accordance with this Law through electronic and similar media, and give approval, authorization, information, and documents through these media.
  3. [Needs Citation] – Report all accidents within 3 days to the ministry. Otherwise, there will be huge fines imposed on the company.

Legal & Courts

  • HSE Practitioner will be called to the court for testify in case of accidents;
  • If HSE Practitioner is proven to be wrong, he might face legal consequences;
  • For companies and employees to come for fast agreement, there are services of Mediators;

Government Enforcement Agencies

  • HSE Enforcement bodies may visit the company at any time may visit the company.
HSE Salaries in Turkey
Turkish HSE Salary
HSE documents required for a company in Turkey
  1. Risk Analysis
  2. Contingency Plan
  3. HSE Document (Saglik Guvenlik Dokumani)
  4. Audit Findings Log
  5. Daily Work Report
Turkish Acronyms & Abbreviations related to HSE
  • İBYS – ‘İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Bilgi Yönetim Sistemi’ – Occupational Health and Safety Information Management Systemı
  • İSG – ‘İş sağlığı ve güvenliği’ – Occupational health and Safety;
  • OSGB – ‘Ortak Saglık Güvenlik Birimi’ – Public health and safety unit;

Further, you can check our English – Turkish HSE dictionary 

Online FREE HSE Software


  1. Mohsin Ali July 19, 2023 at 6:09 am - Reply


    Hope you are doing well.

    I would like to have your support in getting health and safety certification to make myself eligible to work in Turkey.
    I am already working in a Turkish group Arcelik A.S in its subsidiary in Pakistan (Dawlance). I am interested to work in Turkey as health and safety professional.

    Please provide guidance that how can I have certification to work in Turkey legally.

    Mohsin Ali

  2. Onur YALTI February 24, 2024 at 10:21 pm - Reply


    I am a health & safety consultant working in Turkiye since 2005. I also want to add that no international health and safety software had been introduced to Turkish market till 2023. During that year famous SiteDocs software became available in Turkish language (Their Turkish web site is http://www.ezedis.com). However, since then there is still no other renowned software is available in Turkish market but only some locally developed software.

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