Lifting Equipment Inspection Contractor Workscope

Last Updated: December 31st, 2022/Views: 3374/3.6 min read/
Lifting Equipment Inspection Contractor Workscope

Preparation for Lifting Equipment Inspection

  1. Inspector to be onboarded to Client requirements and current scope of work. [Inspection Company];
  2. All available certificates to be provided to Inspector [Client];
  3. Previous Lifting Equipment Register to be provided to Inspector [Client];
  4. Inspector to arrange a meeting with Client Focal Point in the field [Inspection Company];

Lifting Equipment Inspection

  1. All lifting gears to by marked with identification number (H hoist number serial number) example (H2001) hoist no 2
  2. Marking shall be done by direct punching on the item if possible or by using of tags:
    • Provide a helper to do the tagging/punching for all Client equipment as required [Client];
    • Inspector to witness the tagging [Inspection Company];
  3. Any deficiencies or abnormal conditions detected during the thorough examination should be advised to the Client for immediate attention or repair [Inspection Copmany];
  4. All the rejected damaged lifting gear to be removed from service and destroyed, so that it cannot be used at any location for any lifting operation. Inspector has to witness destruction [Inspection Company];
  5. Provide Lifting Equipment Register to the Person in Charge in the field at the end of the Inspection for certain Unit [Inspection Company];
  6. Communicate rejected items to Client Office on daily basis [Inspection Company ];


Mechanical Lifting Devices

  1. Conduct NDT on equipment as required [Inspection Company ];
  2. Where the thorough examination shows that the lifting appliance or lifting gear cannot be used safely unless certain repairs are carried out, the competent examiner should immediately inform the Client of that fact, witness lockout and Tagout of the subject equipment and should, within 14 days after the thorough examination, deliver a report to Client [Inspection Company ];


Inspector needs to deliver the below paperwork at the end of the Inspection:

Title Delivery Distribution Content
Lifting Equipment Register Immediately after the Unit Inspection is over individual per locaion/Unit
Certificate of conformity Immediately after the Unit Inspection is over Individual per equipment Applicable if any mechanical device or equipment that required NDT is inspected
Inspection Report At the completion of overall Inspection To Client main office
  • Inspector qualifications;
  • List of rejected Items;
    • Rejection reason;
  • List of approved items;
  • Items that has undergone NDT Inspection;
  • Timesheet;
Timesheet At the completion of overall Inspection Individual per location/Unit
  • Signed by indidual location/Unit PIC for particular Unit;
  • Signed by Field Superintendent for overall inspection;
  • Indicate the below on the Timesheet:
    • Delivery date for Register;
    • Statement: “Rejected Items Discarded“;
Certificates At the completion of overall Inspection Individual per equipment
  • Certificate of Thorough Examination;
  • Lifting Appliance Certificate;
  • Test Certificates;
  1. Inspector should keep an examination log book to note down the major configuration details, performance characteristic, function of safety devices or warning systems, electrical particulars, means of identification and the state of working condition of the lifting appliance or lifting gear undergone thorough examination;
  2. Certificate of Thorough Examination – When an appliance is found to be in safe working order, a Inspector should issue a certificate of thorough examination in an approved form to Client as soon as possible to allow the Client to use the appliance. The certificate should contain enough details to indicate the identification, configuration, performance and capacity of the appliance.
  3. Lifting Applience Certificate – Sufficient number of entries and correct amount of SWLs should be entered in the certificate for the lifting appliance. It is recommended that the number of entries of SWLs in the certificate should be the same as the number of load ratings in the load chart supplied by the manufacturer to provide sufficient data for an operator to operate the lifting appliance without overloading the appliance. When the Inspector has scaled down the capacity of the lifting appliance, the original load chart of the lifting appliance is no longer applicable and the Inspector has a duty to ensure the original load chart if being posted or marked on the lifting appliance is removed. The Inspector also has a duty to list out all newly allocated SWLs in the certificate.
  4. Test certificates shall be issued to indicate the compliance with the appropriate regulations. The certificates shall be in the approved forms and signed by the competent examiner who carried out the test and thorough examination.

Post Lifting Equipment Inspection

  1. Lifting gear certificates shall be maintained in each Unit [Client];
  2. Lifting Equipment Register to be maintained on each Unit by Lifting Equipment Controller [Client];
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