Loss Prevention Procedure

Last Updated: December 31st, 2022/Views: 3006/7.5 min read/


To facilitate employee involvement in decision making process and to provide a formal system for presenting concerns and findings in order to promote a sound QHSE culture at every location.

To represent employees and management, and address HSE, Quality and Service Quality issues. The Committee oversees, monitors, encourages and supports the process of establishing a learning environment for continuous HSE and Quality improvement.


HSE Custodian


Operations Manager is the HSE Custodian for the organization and is responsible for:

  • Overall QHSE performance of the organization, using the HSE Organization to achieve this;
  • In conjunction with the LPT Leader, selecting the other members of the LPT, including the selection of a member from the organization management team;
  • Giving recognition and visible support to the individuals involved and to the importance of the LPT by attending their meetings regularly, rewarding membership by public recognition to the whole workforce and visibly supporting LPT initiatives at general Safety and Operational Improvement Meetings;
  • Ensuring that the Leader and Members are given adequate time outside of their other responsibilities to perform their LPT functions, and that their respective Job Descriptions include these roles and responsibilities;
  • Ensuring that the LPT are adequately funded to perform their duties and responsibilities;
  • Assigning appropriate authority to the LPT;
  • Ensuring that the LPT Leaders have free access to the line manager and his management team to raise any issues.
  • Including relevant measurements in the SOPs and Performance Appraisals of the Leader and Members to reflect their contributions;
  • Including relevant measurements in the SOPs and Performance Appraisals of LPT reporting managers to reflect their LPT performance;
  • Measuring compliance annually against Organization HSE Plan;
  • Determining whether any disciplinary action is required following any incident and taking the appropriate action, as per the progressive accountability guidelines. It is very important that the LPT are not seen as disciplinary tools.
LPT Leader
  • In conjunction with the Operations Manager, selecting the other members of the LPT;
  • Keeping line management thoroughly informed of and involved in LPT activities;
  • Quarterly LPT progress presentation to senior management of the organization;
  • Highlighting key HSE issues that require line management action;
  • Seeking line management approval for any suggested Remedial Work Plan;
  • Seeking line management approval for any suggested remedial actions that exceed the assigned authority limits.
  • Arranges trainings to LPT members
LPT Member
  • Assistance in Improving Safety Culture
  • Ensures Safe Workplace

The duties of a safety representative begin with accident prevention through intervention and education. The safety representative deals with local safety issues.

A safety representative pushes safety in his workplace. His inspections ensure that the appropriate safety regulations are followed in the workplace, whether they are those of the Legal, Policies, Procedures, Safe Working Practices or an OEM recomendations. Keeps safety posters up to date and monitors compliance.

  • Training

Safety trainings are monitored and taught by the safety representative. Every time a new, unfamiliar piece of equipment is introduced to the Workplace, it creates a new set of safety hazards. The safety representative must arrange for the necessary safety training for the employees who operate it. As employee duties and responsibilities change, the safety representative ensures that the appropriate available safety or environmental training follows these changes. The safety representative uses supervisors and managers as conduits to keep safety-related information flowing to workers, in addition to his own efforts.

  • Representation and Consultation
    • Make representations on behalf of their crew members to the LPT Team on any health and safety matter.
    • Involve co-workers in health and safety issues in the workplace. This will mean discussion with co-workers about what works and what is needed
    • Advise the employer on requirements for personal protective equipment such as hearing protection, respirators or lock-out arrangements.
  • Inspection
    • Inspect designated workplace areas on regular basis
    • Identify hazards with co-workers and meet with the employer or supervisor to develop solutions.
    • Make additional inspections, if work practices change or new hazard arises.
    • Participate in workplace inspections by other parties.
  • Investigation
    • Investigate crew complaints.
    • Participate in Incident Investigations and assist in identifying the causes of accidents, dangerous occurrences and diseases.
  • Assistance in Improving Safety Management System
    • Acts as a focal for Document revision requests from crew.
    • Assist with the development and roll out of health and safety procedures and campaigns where they are required.

Election Criteria:

Members should work for the organization for minimum months. At any time, to ensure consistency, new personnel should replace no more than half of the LPT team.

HSE Advisor Acts as the company’s guide in complying with a collection of government or organizational regulations.
Unit Manager
  • Excusing the LPT member from operations and let him participate in LPT meetings
  • Let him close out his own actions, conduct meetings

LP Committee

The LPT has a shared responsibility with line management for:

  • Improving HSE awareness and safe, health conscious and environmentally responsible working practices;
  • Encouraging active participation of the workforce in the Risk Assessment process;
  • Ensuring all employees new to the organization receive a specific QHSE orientation;
  • Managing the HSE recognition program and recognizing exceptional HSE contributions from individual employees or teams;
  • Communicating regularly to the whole work force the status of the Risk Assessment s, highlighting hazards identified and actions taken to control associated risks, as well as other HSE initiatives.

The LPT has a specific responsibility for:

  • Assisting line management in the Incident investigations;
  • Developing Remedial Work Plans (RWP) and following up implementation to closure;
  • Maintaining a risk profile for the location, reviewing all identified hazards, defining the priorities, and suggesting remedial actions;
  • Reviewing all incidents in PIM to ensure that appropriate follow-up is being conducted;
  • Providing input to Operations on HSE related suggestions;
  • Involving employees in teams to address the prioritized risks;
  • Coordinating and conducting QHSE training, where appropriate;
  • Performing inspections and standards compliance assessments, and participating in management system audits, and/or self assessments;
  • Monitoring the emergency response drills;
  • Performing a risk assessment of the facilities and making recommendations for management approval for a comprehensive local PPE plan and respiratory protection plan;
  • Monitoring BBS implementation
  • Monitoring HSE results and communicating performance;
  • Documenting LPT Meetings and making the minutes available to all employees
  • Communicating to other facilities via the knowledge sharing tools:
    • Lessons Learned
    • Best practices
    • Success stories


Meetings will usually include the below points as relevant:

  • Open actions from last meeting;
  • Open actions from Action Tracking tool related to the Unit.;
  • Latest Incidents & near misses ;
  • Incident Investigation findings ;
  • Discussing/solving problems related to safety matters, e.g. corrections of faults, removal of safety hazards, etc
  • Forum for new thoughts/ideas concerning safety issues;
  • BBS Participation;

1.1. LPT Meeting

The objective of the LPT Meeting is to provide an informal forum where health, safety and environmental related issues will be discussed and information can be shared.

It is recommended that the Senior Line Manager participate at least quarterly in LPT meetings to demonstrate support, and leadership and commitment.

Care should be taken to ensure that the LPTs are involved with process specific risks, including relation with contractors and suppliers, and with risks associated with local journey management.

1.2. Safety Meeting

Safety meetings are an opportunity for management and safety department to communicate to employees how they can do their jobs safer and better.

Topics discussed in safety meetings may be topics that work force is familiar with, or topics that they have limited knowledge about. If they familiar with the subject, it will serve as reminder, as well as if the subject is new it may advise them about the newest protective equipment, or more efficient ways to carry out the tasks.

The purpose of passing learnings on the HSE meeting is to stop workplace injuries or reduce the likelihood of hazards impacting the workforce.

Safety meetings also allow employees an opportunity to relay safety / health concerns or improvement ideas to their supervisors.

1.3. Pre-Tour Meeting

Pretour meeting is a planning forum for Crew starting the shift, to discuss the planned operations during the coming shift and associated hazards, risks, mitigations.

1.4. Toolbox Meeting

Tool-Box is a meeting held immediately prior to commencement of an the activity where task specific subtasks, hazards and mitigations are discussed with particular personnel involved in this task.

Supervisor is supposed to have dialogue with crew involved in the task to advise his points and listen to their relevant concerns and clarify as required.


The training of Safety Representatives is critical to ensure that they are equipped with the necessary information and skills to undertake their role. As well as organizing appropriate training, HSEA fully supports Safety Representatives by providing advice and by pursuing health and safety matters – both in specific cases and in more generic issues.



  • F-06 – Meeting Minutes
  • Action Tracking tool


  • Meeting content must be recorded in minutes. These must include names of all participants. The minutes must be posted on Notice Board and shared with Organization management.
  • Approved action items must be processed within approved Action Tracking Tool.
  • Extraordinary meetings must always be considered when significant events dictate.
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