MBPS Safety Management System

Last Updated: December 31st, 2022/Views: 2051/0.9 min read/
  1. Commitment
    1. Leadership
    2. Resp & Accountability
  2. Policies & Objectives
    1. Policies
    2. Objectives
  3. Organization Responsibilities
    1. Organization Responsibilities
    2. Organization Structure
    3. Resources
    4. Training, Competency & Awareness
    5. Information Management
  4. Contractor & Supplier Management
    1. Planning
    2. HSE Capability Assessment
    3. Selection
    4. Pre-Mobilization
    5. Execution
    6. Demobilization
    7. Final Evaluation and close-out
  5. Risk Management
    1. Hazard Assessment and Risk Management
    2. Prevention and Mitigation Measures
    3. Management of Change
  6. Design, Process and Planning
    1. Assets, products and systems integrity
    2. Processes
    3. Planning
    4. Health Management Planning
    5. Environmenal Management Planning
    6. Security Managament Planning
    7. Emergency Management Planning
    8. Business Coninuity Planning
    9. Crisis Management Planning
    10. Excercises and Drills
    11. Spills
  7. Implementation and Performance Monitoring
    1. Performance Review
    2. Incidnet Reporting, Investigation and Review
    3. Fatality review and follow-up
    4. Inspections and Compliance Monitoring
    5. Corrective actions and continous improvement
    6. recognition Programs
    7. Records
  8. Audits and Reviews
    1. Audits
    2. Reviews
  9. HSE Procedures
    1. PPE
    2. First Aid Arrangements
    3. Lifting machinery and lifting tackle
    4. Kitchen & Food Hygiene
    5. Mercury
    6. Hand tools and portable power tools
    7. Hydrogen sulphide safety
    8. Pressure Safety
    9. Methanol
    10. Breathing apparatus and respirators
    11. Driving and vehicle safety
    12. Journey management
    13. PTW
    14. Hearring conservation
    15. Hot Work
    16. Electrical Safety
    17. Housekeeping
    18. HSE Appraisal scheme
    19. Confined space entry
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