Medical Treatment Case (MTC)

Last Updated: December 31st, 2022/Views: 14521/0.6 min read/

What is Medical Treatment Case (MTC)? ..

Term Medical Treatment Case (MTC) means ..

Medical Treatment Case (MTC)

  1. HSE: Any work-related injury or illness requiring medical care or treatment beyond first aid (regardless of the provider of such treatment) that does not result in a Restricted Work/Transfer Case (RWTC) or Lost Time Incident (LTI). Medical treatment does not include first aid treatment (See First Aid) even though provided by a physician or registered professional personnel. For record keeping purposes Medical Treatment Case (MTC) does not include:
    • Visits to a physician or other licensed health care professional solely for observation or
    •  Diagnostic procedures such as x-rays and blood tests, including the administration of
      prescription medications used solely for diagnostic purposes (e.g., eye drops to dilate pupils); or
    •  Any treatment contained on the list of first-aid treatments. [Source: IADC]
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