Ministerial decree no 286/2008 – Oman

Ministerial decree no 286/2008; Issued on 22 June 2008 and Effective on 1st July 2008
Chapter (1) – Definitions and General Provisions
Section (1) – Definitions
Article (1):
Upon the application of these regulations, the following words and terms will bear the meanings against each unless the context requires
- The department: The occupational safety and health (OSH) department of the directorate general for laborers welfare.
- Section: The inspection and safety and health section of the department of laborers welfare at the directorate general of Manpower in regions and governorates.
- Inspector: Every official in charge of monitoring the applications of the conditions of standards of safekeeping laborers’ safety and health from the various hazards caused by the work environment.
- (OSH) supervisor: Any person who performs a protective role in establishments through supervising the application of the conditions and standards of safekeeping workers from the various hazards caused by the work environment on an assignment by the administrative body of the establishment.
- Serious accident: Accident that causes a permanent total or partial disability or death to a worker, or causes injury to more than a worker, or leads to losses in production and equipment.
- Biological hazards: The hazards caused by germs, viruses, fungi or parasites.
- ionic radiation: Radiation that is capable of producing twin ions in substances.
Chapter (2) – General provisions
Article (2):
All establishments subject to the labor law issued by Royal Decree No. 32/2003 shall – comply will the provisions of these regulations.
Article (3):
To perform their tasks, inspectors shall :
- Enter work sites without prior notice at any time during work hours.
- Look into the technical and scientific characteristics of the materials and compounds used, and take samples of the materials and tools used, circulated or produced in the establishments or their waste to conduct analysis.
- Ask to conduct medical or laboratory investigations on the workers to assure that work conditions are adequate to their health conditions.
- Conduct any investigations or look into any records that may contribute to assuring commitment to the provisions of these regulations.
- Direct the employers to what they see necessary to avoid the hazards of work and equipment, their protective actions, minimizing their impacts and raising the levels of protective awareness of occupational diseases in hazardous, harmful industries and businesses.
Article (4):
Within the process of monitoring the employers commitment to implementing the provisions of these regulations, the inspectors shall be authorized to take the following procedures:-
- Issue the necessary orders to rectify violations within a specific period of time.
- Immediate stoppage of work partially or totally, or stoppage of operating one or more machines in case of an eminent hazard, and seeking the assistance of the ROP if necessary.
Article (5):
Inspectors shall not reveal any business secrets or any intormation they gained access to by virtue of their work even after the end of their services.
Article (6):
The employer or his representative shall provide the inspectors with the facilities necessary for performing their tasks and all the information they require regarding the application of the provisions of these regulations
Article (7):
The employer or his representative shall inform the workers, before they take up work, of all the hazards they may be exposed to , and train them on the protective procedures .
Such instructions shall be prominently posted in the establishment.
The employer shall also post the warning signs in hazardous areas and take all the necessary actions and procedures to assure that the materials , factors and conditions existing in the work environment do not pose any hazard on the workers’ health . The results of the periodical assessments and actions related to the levels of the various hazards existing in work
environment shall be kept in a special record.
Article (8):
Workers shall use the means of protection , safeguard them carry out the instructions on keeping themselves away from injuries and refrain from all acts intended to obstruct the implemenlation of these instructions or cause harm or damage to the means set up to protect the safety and health of their fellow workers.
Article (9):
The owner of the establishment shall provide protective equipment free of charges for the workers who may be exposed to any kind of hazards.
Article (10):
If an employer employes (10) or more workers, he shall set up an OSH programme adequate to the nature and size of the establishment. This programme shall incorporate the following:-
- The policy and goals of the OSH in the establishment.
- The duties and commitments of the employer and the worker.
- The organization and management of the OSH.
- The specified authorities and responsibilities of the establishment’s management who are Hauthorized to develop and implement the policies and goals of the OSH.
- The specific work hazards that result from work, the methods of their assessment and the mechanisms for analyzing them.
- The specified protective arrangements, the emergency plans.
- Specified training programmes on the procedures of OSH.
- Specified specifications regarding the purchase or rent of OSH equipment for work.
- The mechanism for monitoring the performance of OSH in the activities of the contractors working with the establishment.
- A timetable for testing the equipment or materials that may expose workers to hazards.
- A timetable for conducting medical examinations for workers.
- Investigation into the work accidents and taking the necessary actions to prevent the repetition of such accidents.
- The procedures that have to be carried out by workers in cases of serious hazards.
- The procedures that have to be carried out by the workers who are exposed to occpationd hazards before leaving the work site.
- Prohibitions related to accident site.
- Method of submitting or receiving workers’ complaints regarding work hazards and the means of handling them.
The owner of the establishment shall get this programme and it’s amendments approved by the department or section within 2 months from the date of submitting it should this period lapse without a decision taken, the programme shall be effective.
Article (11):
The employer who employs (50) or more workers shall assign a qualified supervisor to handle the OSH work. this supervisor shall directly report to the employer or his reprentative , and shall set up a plan for OSH , the periodical inspections of all work sites , conducting assessment , protective measures against hazards of work environment using adequate equipment , keep the results accidents and work injuries , occupational diseases and investigate their reasons , if any . He shall keep such results in a special record, prepare, reports on them including the ways and precautions that will prevent their repetition. He shall follow up the provision of first aid materials and basic health care for workers including taking the injured to medical centres or hospitats if required. He shall also take part with the professionals in setting up training programmes for the workers to protect them from the hazards of work environment and voice his opinion on the purchase of machinery or materials and to what extent they are adequate to the work environment and shall prepare guiding and warning signboards on all matters related to OSH within the establishment.
Article (12):
The employer who employs (50) or more workers shall also be commited to providing the departinment or section with periodical statistics on serious accidents, work injuries and occupational diseases that have been established. These statistics shall be submitted in January and July annually.
Article (13):
The owner of the establishment shall be committed to notifying the department or section in writing within (24) hours of any serious accident, work injury or occupational disease whose occurrence has been established putting into account notifying the public Authority for social Insurance (PASI) of the work injury that occur to workers covered by insurance .
Article (14):
The department or section shall be authorized to ask for certain arrangements to be made in matters that have not been provided for in these regulations in cases that require confronting work-related hazards.
Chapter 2 – Ganeral Arrangements
Section (1) – Work sites
Article (15):
The employer or his representative shall take the necessary actions to provide sufficient protection of the workers safety during their presence in work sites. The following shall particularly be observed:-
- The work site, its buildings, materials and all the equipment used for work must conform with the technical specifications. This commitment shall apply to expansions or additions.
- The size of the buildings must be adequate to the size of the operations excuted in the establishment. The order of the buildings
and work sites shall agree with the sequence of the stages of
accomplishing operations in the sense that work materials coming
from one work area should be directly used by the next work area
without being transferred across a far distance. - Materials must not be transferred from one work area to the other by hand; instead, movable storage shelves, carriers, revolving cylinders, conveyor belts or any other adequate method should be used. If the nature of the work requires otherwise, the platform
from or to which the materials are transferred must be high
enough not to require the worker to bend the upper part of his
body. - Using hydraulic manual lifters, over head lifters, overhead lifling pulleys to lift, lower or move heavy weights.
- Safety measures in the design of buildings walls and ceilings must be strong and fire- proof, and their interior must be painted with light colours.
- The interior surface of the walls must be smooth, easy to clean and free of sharp protrusions and nails.
- The space allotted for each individual worker must be at least (11 1 / 2) cubic meters without considering any height that exceeds (41/2) meters in work rooms, and also the sizes of machinery and work tools. The space alloted for the worker who performs office work should not be less than (7) cubic meters.
- Floors must be made of hard substances adequate to the nature of the work intended. They must be easy to clean and drain, moisture insulated, not absorbing liquids such as water and oils, flat and free of holes and obstructions that may cause stumbling or falling. They must not be slippery.
- Drainage ditches and floor ditches must have rails not less than one meter high from the ground level with warning signs, the ditches must be covered with lids not more than (2 1 / 2)
centimeters high. Their edges should drop with a slant angle not exceeding 30 degrees. The lids must be strong enough to stand the weights of the machinery and vehicles that may tread on them. - Provide sufficient space for machinery and equipment and leave passages between machineries to enable workers and equipment used for moving the materials used, and also facilitate adjustment and fixing machinery.
- Provide passages in the main roads of the establishment adequate to the number of workers, equipments and means of transport. Their floors must be flat and reasonably elevated if seen necessary, not slippery and with edges marked in bright colors. Sings must be posted showing inlets and exists facilitating easy passage free of boxes and containers or any objects that could obstruct people and equipment.
- Consider good arrangement when storing materials by specifying the positions of the stored materials using clear signs on floors and putting them on steel shelves. The distances between the stored materials and the ceiling must be at least (3) feet, and providing safe ladders to store or take materials.
- Specify the positions of facilities, inlets, outlets and emergency exists.
- High bridges, passages and platforms shall be prepared one or more meters above ground level with unslippery floors surrounded by rails except inlets and the sides where loading is
carried out and with fixed ladders. - Ladders must be made of fire-proof, unslippery materials with hard, strong floors easy to clean and maintain. The metal network must be tight enough not to allow objects to fall.
- Fixed staircases with (4) or more steps must be railed on both sides not less than (75) centimeters. If the staircase is fixed to the wall, the railing will be on the free side. The openings of the rails must not allow exist through it. The staircase must be at least (120) centimeters wide and sufficiently illuminated.
- The staircases must have an elevation of 30 – 35 degrees.
- Ladders must be properly set before using them. They will be surrounded by a round rail if perpendicular on the ground, and more than (2) meters high.
- There must be sufficient doors with adequate widthes considering the number of workers.
- Work areas shall not be used as temporary stores for materials, products, equipment or waste.
- A suitable, adjustable chair with a back rest must be provided for the worker who has to the sit to carry out his work. If the worker has to be standing up, a high chair must be provided if the nature of work allows that; otherwise, short rest periods must be allowed to provide for change.
- Workers must be protected from the hazards of falling, dropping objects, flying chips, sharp objects, caustic or hot liquids or any harmful materials.
- Water pools close to work areas must be filled up with earth regularly.
- A suitable, adequately furnished room, with on AC and toilets (if toilets are far away) must be provided for the guard.
Article (16):
The employer has to make sure that the conditions prevailing in the work place are sufficiently safe for the workers’ health particularly in terms of:-
Firstly: Lighting.
- Provision of sufficient, adequate, natural or artificial lighting, distributed in the workplace equally, free from direct or reflective rays.
- Window glass and light inlets must be clean from the interior and exterior permanently and must not be obstructed by any objects.
- Lamps, stands and light devices must be periodically cleaned and maintained.
- Provide a system of emergency lighting in cases of failure of normal lighting for cases of failure of normal lighting for whatever reason. The lighting system must clearly show emergency exists for workers to more safety towards exists. Warning devices and extinguishers’ positions must be clearly indicates.
- The attached table (1) of the appendix shall be applied to specify the levels of lighting adequate to the nature of the work. The level must be at a horizontal surface (3) feet from the ground with the exception of passages and paths that will be at a level of lighting not less than (10) LUX.
Secondly: Ventilation.
- Avoid bad air by providing a natural or artificial ventilation system that provides fresh air in workplaces and use local ventilation where sources of pollutions exist. This system must
effectively suck the polluted air out. - The number of windows must be sufficient and wide enough to let in sufficient air. The stores must have openings for ventilation in ceilings and at the bottom above ground level.
- The percentage of oxygen in workplaces should not be less than (21%) of the mount in open air, and not less then (19.5%) in work below ground level.
- Speed of air in workplace must not exceed (15) meters per minute in winter and (50) meters in summer. If it exceeds these, work should be stopped or moved to another place.
- The degree of relative humidity in work places must not exceed (80 %), if it dyes, work should be stopped or moved to another place.
Thirdly: Heat and Cold.
- Technical methods should be used to control high temperature, such as insultating and absorbing substances or temperature reflecting devices and using local sucking ventilation or local cooling to control heat.
- Operations of high temperature must be isolated in separate areas where only a minimum number of workers will be affected.
- Workers will not work in construction sites or open areas of high temperature at noon, from 12:30 up to 3:30 throughout June, July and August every year.
- The attached table (2) will be applied to specify the safe periods of exposure to low temperature.
Fourthly: Noise.
- The attached table (3) will be applied to specify the permissible daily exposure to levels of noise.
- use of possible technical methods to prevent or minimize noise, such as:
- Greasing and oiling the parts of machines that cause friction or noise.
- Isolating the noisy operations that exceed the permissible levels far away from workers or using sound insulated rooms.
- Installation of insulating, absorbing or reflective equipment on noisy machines.
- Using floors that absorb sound vibrations.
- Periodically maintaining silencers, machines and equipment.
- Provision of adequate ear protectors and posting the proper instruction signs.
Fifthly: Drinking Water.
- Providing the workers with sufficient drinkable water within easy reach.
- Provision of tightly closed water tanks made of strong non-corrosive materials connected to two pipes (excess and ventilation). Tanks must be cleaned periodically at least once a
year. - Distribution of water in the establishment through a network of proper, non-corrosive pipes.
- Marking the pipes and tanks used for non-drinkable water with a distinct colour.
- Provision of a reasonable number of water coolers adequate to the number of workers.
- The drinking water containers must be tightly closed and their water daily changed and the containers washed and cleaned at least twice a week.
- Bacterial analysis of the groundwater once every (6) months, and chemical testing once a year in one of the government laboratories, to verify is portability. The result of analysis shall
be recorded in a special register kept for this purpose.
Chapter 2 – Facilities
Article (7):
The employer shall take all necessary actions to assure that conditions prevailing in the facilities of the workplace are sufficient for safekeeping the safety and health of workers. The following shall particularly be observed:
Firstly: Lighting.
- A toilet room with a bathtub shall be provided for every (15) workers.
- Separate toilets shall be provided for female workers with the same rate, completely separate from men’s toilets and with a separate entrance,
- Toilets must be clean, roofed, with an exhaust fan and sufficient lighting.
- Toilets doors must not be directly opposite the workplace.
- The floors of toilets must be tiled, their walls shall also be tiled at least one meter high.
- Constructing special toilets in workplaces where there is no running water such as building projects and putting reasonable water tanks and ground tanks for waste.
- Providing bathrooms at the rate of one for (10) workers at least, in industries where the workers bodies may be affected by substances harmful to health.
Secondly: workers’ Sleeping Place.
- The surface height of the building’s floor should not be less then 20 cm. from the level of the exterior surrounding of the living place.
- There must be enough inlets for ventilation and lighting. All windows must be covered with a network of thin wire.
- An area of (4) meters must be allotted in sleeping rooms for the worker’s bed, leaving at least one meter between one bed and the other. A cupboard shall be provided for each worker for his clothes and personal belongings. Beds shall not be put one over the other or in places other than sleeping rooms.
- Bed sheets shall be kept clean.
- The wooden buildings or tents designed for the workers to sleep in must be fire-resistant.
- Provision of adequate ACs.
- Providing the living places with drinkable water and one toilet for not more than (10) workers.
- Provision of tightly closed trash bins.
- Fighting the various kinds of insects and rodents and sterilizing the rooms and furniture once a year and keeping a record of the results.
- Workers living places shall not be used as stores.
- Providing all requirements of emergency cases if workers, living place is far from public services facilities.
Thirdly: Places of Serving Food.
- Food serving, cooking and storage places must be well lighted, ventilated and all windows covered with a network of thin wire.
- Places where food is prepared and served, and all the containers used must be clean. All materials used for preparing food and beverages must be kept in clean, tightly closed containers.
- A separate place must be set apart for cooking.
- Food serving places must be provided with hand-washing basins, soap and towels.
- These places must be equipped with sufficient tables and chairs with smooth surfaces.
- Provide tightly closed waste bins and get rid of the waste regularly.
- A separate place to be designated for female workers.
Fourthly: Clothes Changing Places.
- The place of changing clothes must be close to the washing place and far from the sources of harmful pollution.
- These places will be provided with sufficient lighting and ventilation.
- The places should be provided with special cupboards for keeping clothes with (2) parts for each worker to keep his work clothes in one, and his normal clothes in the other.
- These places shall be regularly cleaned and be free of insects and rodents.
- A separate place for changing clothes should be set apart for female workers.
Fifthly: Rest Rooms.
- Restrooms should be close to workplaces.
- They should be equipped with adequate furniture and ventilation.
- Regularly cleaned.
Chapter 3 – The Specifications of Work Clothes And Personal Protection Equipment
Article (8):
The employer must provide work clothes and personal protection equipment adequate to the nature of work performed observing the following:
- Work clothes and equipment of personal protection must comply with the specified standard specifications of safe use in accordance with the actual exposure to hazards.
- Raise the workers awareness and train them on the best ways of using, maintaining and well – keeping of such equipment provided, and prepare a guidance directory for the use and
maintenance of work clothes and personal protection equipment which is apt to pollution by chemical or biotic hazardous to health. This directory shall be posted in the places specified for the use of such equipment. - Post clear, visible signs, in language readable in all hazardous areas where entry is prohibited without personal protection equipment.
- Set up a system for keeping, maintaining, cleaning and sterilizing all work clothes and protective equipment used for work in a way that facilitates using them in emergencies.
- Prohibit the transfer of protective materials apt to pollution by chemical, physical or biotic elements hazardous to health to areas outside the place where they are used, and get rid of these materials, if necessary. Safe and adequate methods must be provided for the purpose.
Chapter 3 – Medical Care
Section 1
Article (19):
The employer has to conduct medical examinations on workers nominated for work in conditions where they may be exposed to any of the occupational diseases to assure their physical, mental and psychological capability to work. The examinations must agree with the nature of work and the kind of disease the worker is exposed to.
Article (20):
The employer must regularly conduct periodical medical tests on the workers who are exposed to any occupational disease in accordance with the occupational diseases table issued by the ministry of health.
Article (21):
The attached table (4) shall be used for the required analysis according to the type of exposure to occupational diseases. Occupational Diseases.
Article (22):
Medical tests shall be repeated on the worker who is exposed to an occupational disease within a period shorter then that stipulated if the worker’s health requires such a procedure. All information required by the body conducting the tests shall be provided. Workers who contract an occupational disease will be moved out of the source of the disease either
by giving them sick leaves or changing their workplace if the medical authorities see that their continuing work will be dangerous to their health. In this case, the sick person will be assigned to perform another work suitable to his health condition if the medical authorities recommend that. No worker with an occupational disease can be re-assigned to work
unless medical tests prove that he is medically fit to perform work. It must be considered that the worker will bear no costs for the medical test and shall not be deprived of his wage for the time he spent in medical tests.
Article (23):
Workers who expose themselves to biotic hazards must be vaccinated, as seen necessary, against contagions diseases that transfer from animals or exposed humans according to the nature of their work.
Article (24):
The employer has to conduct medical examination on workers exposed to contagious diseases when workers are moved from one job to the other or at the end of their services. The results of medical tests must be kept in the worker’s file. These results will be kept in a special file even after the end of the worker’s service.
Article (25):
There must be one or more first aid boxes in every establishment for medical care considering the following:-
1. The box must contain the requirements of first aid such as the medications and equipment needed for first aid.
2. The box must be close to the water source in a reasonable temperature with nothing in it but the medical requirements. A crescent should be drawn on the box.
3. The inspector may ask for more first aid requirements or their quantity if necessary according to the size of the establishment or its nature of work.
Chapter 2 – Health Enhancing Places of Work
Article (26):
The workplace must be supportive to general health by working toward the following:-
- Promoting healthy food and physical activity in workplace to minimize unhealthy habits.
- Prohibition of smoking in workplace and providing the workers with programmes that help workers to quit smoking.
- Enhancing psychological health and social integration of psychologically unstable workers. To achive this, the following should be observed:-a- Giving them special attention to enable them to adapt with the new work environment.