Motion Compensated Gangway

Last Updated: November 19th, 2022/Views: 4212/2.4 min read/
Motion Compensated Gangway
Barge-Master-Motion-Compensated-Gangway (9)

Barge Master’s fully motion compensated Next Generation Gangway provides continuous access to any offshore structure. This motion compensated gangway ensures safe and efficient transfer of crew irrespective of weather conditions.

The system provides horizontal gangway access for people and trolleys up to 800 kg., with a lifting capacity of 1.000 kg. Making the system truly unique is its distinctive reliability features, designed especially to guarantee uptime.

Highest reliability standard in the industry

The Next Generation Gangway contains several unique features to ensure it is always in perfect working order. For example, the gangway is equipped with technology that eliminates the slip risk of the gangway tip. All our products are designed with triple redundancy of the critical components, such as motion reference units and controls. These features safeguard the workability of the gangway to the highest degree, a single failure will never lead to any loss in compensation.

Active Motion Compensation

The high-performance Gangway uses active motion compensation to land on any kind of offshore facility, without the need for a modified landing area. It compensates for vessel motions up to a significant wave height (Hs) of 3.5 meters. This allows the gangway to be placed at any deck location and height. The gangway is operated by a single operator.

Fit for purpose – modular design

The gangway can be fitted on a height-adjustable pedestal with an integrated elevator, making it possible to land on any height and maintain a continuous workflow.

This gangway plus pedestal configuration provides perfect horizontal access, also suited for (remote controlled) cargo trolleys up to 800 kg.

The Barge Master Gangway is developed in close collaboration with our partner Bosch Rexroth, the drive and control company. Therefore it is of the highest standard, combining Barge Masters’s motion compensation knowledge with the drive and control knowledge of Bosch Rexroth. Next to that, it ensures global service coverage.
The gangway is DNV-GL certified.

Key features

  • Anti-tip slip Significantly increased compensation performance by tip force measurement.
  • Horizontal landing with height adjustmentRedundancy of all critical components by default, such as motion reference units and controls, the ‘fail-operational’ philosophy as standard.
  • Easy to operate by a single operator.
  • Hover mode with tip ladder. Adding 2 meters to the operational range makes it possible to land over an existing structure.
  • Additional hoisting module of 1.000 kg.
  • Autonomous landing ready.


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