Poems about Importance of Safety and Environmental Protection

The following poems remind us of the importance of safety and protecting the environment. In today’s world, it is more important than ever to prioritize the well-being of ourselves and those around us. This includes taking precautions to prevent accidents and injuries, as well as protecting the earth and its natural resources.
The earth provides us with so much, from the air we breathe to the beauty that surrounds us. However, we have not always been good stewards of these gifts. We have polluted the air and water, damaged the land, and driven countless species to extinction. It is up to us to change this course and work to preserve the earth for future generations.
These poems serve as a call to action, urging us to prioritize safety and protect the earth. Let us be its guardians, and work together to build a brighter, more sustainable future.
Safety Poem 1
I Chose To Look The Other Way
I could have saved a life that day,
But I chose to look the other way.
It wasn’t that I didn’t care;
I had the time, and I was there.
But I didn’t want to seem a fool,
Or argue over a safety rule.
I knew he’d done the job before;
If I spoke up he might get sore.
The chances didn’t seem that bad;
I’d done the same, he knew I had.
So I shook my head and walked by;
He knew the risks as well as I.
He took the chance, I closed an eye;
And with that act, I let him die.
I could have saved a life that day,
But I chose to look the other way.
Now every time I see his wife,
I know I should have saved his life.
That guilt is something I must bear;
But isn’t’ something you need to share.
If you see a risk that others take
That puts their health or life at stake,
The question asked or thing you say;
Could help them live another day.
If you see a risk and walk away,
Then hope you never have to say,
“I could have saved a life that day,
But I chose to look the other way.”
by: Don Merrill
Safety Poem 2
Safety is a state of being
That we should all be striving
To achieve in all that we do
It’s a mindset that we must pursue
We must always be aware
Of the risks that may be there
And take the necessary precautions
To ensure our safety and protection
We must use our seatbelts in the car
And never drive while under the influence of alcohol or drugs
We must wear our helmets when we ride
And be cautious on the other side
We must be careful when we’re at work
And follow all the safety guidelines, it’s not a quirk
We must be mindful of our surroundings
And take care when we’re climbing and bounding
Safety is not just about protecting ourselves
It’s about protecting others and the world itself
So let’s all make safety our priority
And we’ll all live happily and merrily
Safety Poem 3
Safety is a virtue we must all embrace
It’s a habit that we must all face
No matter where we go or what we do
Safety must come before all else, it’s true
We must always be alert and aware
Of the risks that may be present everywhere
We must wear our helmets, tie our laces
Take care when climbing high places
We must use caution when we cross the street
And be mindful of the cars that we meet
We must follow all the rules and signs
To keep ourselves and others safe and fine
Safety is not just about protecting ourselves
It’s about protecting the world and everyone else
So let’s all make safety our priority
And we’ll all live happily and merrily
So let’s all embrace safety with open arms
And keep ourselves, and others, free from harm
Environment Poem 1
The earth is our home, our place of rest
A place of beauty, a place to be blessed
But we have harmed it, with our selfish ways
Leaving scars upon the land and the seas
We must change our path, before it’s too late
Reduce our impact, before it’s too late
We must do our part, to save the earth
We must value all life, from the plants to the dirt
We can start by reducing our waste
Using less energy, and choosing to embrace
Sustainable practices, that help to preserve
The natural world, that we so deserve
We can plant trees, and care for the land
We can reduce our carbon, and take a stand
Against those who would harm, and exploit
The earth’s resources, for their own profit
We can speak out, and raise our voice
For the earth, and all of its joys
We can make a difference, if we try
We can save the earth, and the sky
So let us work together, hand in hand
To save the earth, and all of its land
Let us be its guardians, and protectors true
For the earth is our home, and we are its crew
Environment Poem 2
The air is fresh, the sky is blue
The earth is green, and the water too
But we have polluted, and damaged these gifts
Leaving scars upon the earth, that shift
The balance of life, and the health of our land
We must do better, and take a stand
For the earth and all, that it provides
For the future of our children, and their lives
We can start by reducing our waste
Using less energy, and choosing to embrace
Sustainable practices, that help to preserve
The natural world, that we so deserve
We can plant trees, and care for the land
We can reduce our carbon, and take a stand
Against those who would harm, and exploit
The earth’s resources, for their own profit
We can speak out, and raise our voice
For the earth, and all of its joys
We can make a difference, if we try
We can save the earth, and the sky
So let us work together, hand in hand
To save the earth, and all that’s grand
Let us be its guardians, and protectors true
For the earth is our home, and we are its crew