Reporting HSE Incidents in Oman

Last Updated: December 31st, 2022/Views: 1150/1.9 min read/
Reporting HSE Incidents in Oman

The Environmental and Occupational Health is essential part of health care system in Oman. Environmental and Occupational Health Department was established for the purpose of studying and evaluating the environmental and occupational hazards that affects human health and to implement the necessary preventing measures to protect from encountering the related diseases.

It consists of the following sections :

Occupational Health Section

Occupational Health Section is integrated into the structure of the Environmental and Occupational Health Department. It aims to reduce occupational death, injuries and illness and promote health in the workplace through a comprehensive national plan that focuses on providing occupational health services for all workers in Oman.

The main functions and role of this section are:

  1. Occupational diseases and injuries Surveillance.
  2. Provide essential packages for occupational health. services (primary prevention of occupational health and safety, early detection, diagnosis, and treatment)
  3. Develop human resources in occupational health and safety throughout the country.
  4. Promote the practice of health promotion at the workplace and prevention of occupational injuries and diseases.
  5. Conduct worksite risk assessment and work hazard evaluation for all industrial enterprises in Oman.
  6. Conduct research in OH.

Poison Control Center (PCC)

The Poison Control Center was established to provide updated information on the national and international issues related to poisoning, chemical safety, and environmental health.

Its role and functions are the following:

  1. Support patient management
  2. Poisons information services
  3. Analytical toxicology service
  4. Coordination with other agencies
  5. Drug information
  6. chemical accident preparedness and response
  7. Toxico-vigilance and prevention
  8. Environmental toxicology
  9. Training and research

Water & Sanitation Section

This section is concern about :

  1. The Surveillance of water-borne diseases
  2. Test bacteriological and chemical contamination in the water sample
  3. Design prevention program for water-related diseases

Health Impacts Assessment

This section has a technical and advisory role related to health impacts assessment. Evaluation of HIA of developmental projects and policy is done by cooperation with all related ministries.

Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion

This section is dealing with activities related to injury prevention and safety promotion. Its main role and functions are:

  1. designing a surveillance system for injuries to evaluate the cause and type of injury and the needed preventive measures.
  2. conducting research related to injury prevention and safety promotion.

Incident Report Form

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