Responsibilities of Employees involved in Lifting Operations

Last Updated: November 14th, 2022/Views: 5404/5.1 min read/
Responsibilities of Employees involved in Lifting Operations

Every lifting operation must be:

  • Properly planned by a competent person
  • Appropriately supervised
  • Carried out in a safe manner

Lifting activities usually involve several craft disciplines and authorities.

It is therefore important that any system set up to manage lifting operations safely, must recognize this inherent complexity and must ensure that roles and responsibilities and the competencies for each activity are clearly defined, and recognized and that there is a shared view of interfaces and boundaries.

This section details the roles and responsibilities of these “stakeholders”.

The generic “stakeholders” are:

  • Man in Charge
  • Signalman
  • Crane Operator
  • Rigger
Man in Charge Responsibilities

Man in Charge must ensure that a safe system of work is implemented, he should have overall control of the lifting operations. He must have adequate training, experience, and technical knowledge to carry out the role competently.

The duties of the operation Superintendent/Barge Master/Man in Charge should include:

  1. The assessment of the lifting operation to cover;
    • Planning
    • Selection of cranes
    • Selection of lifting gear
    • Selection of personnel
    • Instruction and supervision
    • Involvement in risk assessment.
  2. Consultation with other responsible bodies i.e. COMPANY Representative, CONTRACTOR Construction Manager, and Platform Superintendent.
  3. Ensuring that adequate inspection and maintenance of equipment has been carried out.
  4. Responsible for the organization, control, and safety of the lifting operation.
  5. Ensuring that there is an effective procedure for reporting defects and incidents and taking any necessary corrective action.
  6. Ensure that all lifting gears have valid certification.
  7. Ensure all personnel involved in lifting operations are certified fulfilling COMPANY’s requirements.
  8. Ensuring that work permits have been approved.
Signalman Responsibilities

Signalman is responsible to ensure that a safe system of work is implemented, and have approved work permits. He is the only one authorized to make a signal to Crane Operator during lifting operations. He must have adequate training, experience, and technical knowledge to carry out his role competently. The signalman will be also a Lifting Coordinator.

The signalman’s duty shall include :

  • Ensure that the appropriate lifting accessory and safe slinging technique are identified.
  • Ensure all of the personnel is detailed including the duties and responsibilities of each person.
  • Ensure no unauthorized personnel is in the lifting area.
  • Ensure clear communication with the crane operator, riggers, and others involved in the lifting operations.
  • Ensure all proximity hazards are identified and dealt with.
  • Ensure that he is identifiable as a Signalman.
  • Ensure the lift is carried out safely according to the specified safe systems of work
  • As Coordinator of the lifting activity.
  • Inspects the lifting and rigging equipment.
  • Select proper lifting equipment.
  • Ensure that the load is well secured and the weight does not exceed the safe working load of the lifting equipment.
  • Clear-out lifting area.
  • Monitor weather conditions.
  • Stop lifting operation if any unsafe condition occurs and report to the superintendent.
Crane Operator Responsibilities

Crane Operator is responsible to ensure that a safe system of work is implemented and have approved work permits.

He should have an overall understanding of all lifting activities and scenarios. He must have a valid MIGAS certificate and must have adequate training and experience to carry out the role competently.

The minimum requirement for crane operators are:

  • The Crane Operator shall be competent and has a valid MIGAS certificate.
  • The operator shall be familiar with the operational characteristics of the crane.
  • The operator shall be in good health condition and has no vision deficiency.

Additional requirements for offshore crane operators:

  • The crane operators have offshore experience with operating cranes (minimum 2 years). This requirement should also be included in the COMPANY competency assessment.
  • The crane operators shall be equipped with & use a “Hand Free” radio communications headset, SOW will require many “blind” lifts from the platform, hence operators will need to have both hands on the controls at all times..

The duty of the Crane Operator will include :

  • He must stop the crane operation if he sees an unsafe condition and report to the superintendent or man in charge.
  • He shall only follow the signal from the signalman.
  • Identify the duties, capabilities, and limitations of selected lifting appliances.
  • Capable to build, review, and communicated Risk Assessment.
  • Select the most appropriate lifting accessories with regard to the Safe Working Load.
  • Demonstrate the use of a Load Chart in order to plan the sequence of events for lifting operations.
  • Provide a berthing plan for a single appliance incorporating multiple lifts.
  • Understand risks and proximity hazards and implement appropriate procedures to minimize risks.
  • Prepare a safe system of work for a simulated lifting operation and take account of all of the above.
  • Understand Lifting organizations including Signalman, and Riggers.
  • Understand and implement emergency procedures if an undesired event occurs.
  • Understand procedures for reporting defects and incidents.
  • Ensure that the crane, engine, and accessories are in good condition by using an inspection checklist prior start of operation, and must be documented.
  • Ensure that the weight of the load does not exceed the rated capacity of the crane (boom angle and lifting radius).
  • Observe the load and crane operation during lifting.
  • Ensure the load chart available on the crane cabin.
  • Transfer load according to signalman instructions.
Rigger Responsibilities

Rigger must be certified and assessed by Third Party approved by COMPANY.

To ensure that a safe system of work is implemented, he should have overall knowledge of the lifting operation procedure. He must have formal training in slinging and rigging and have adequate experience and technical knowledge to carry out the role competently.

The duty of the rigger will include:

  • Prepare proper lifting and rigging equipment such as sling, web sling, shackle, eye bolts, tag lines, etc., and ensure that these are certified and within load capacity.
  • Prepare material or load to be transferred.
  • Scheduled/arrange to transfer order.
  • Keep the lifting area from unauthorized personnel.
  • Prepared appropriate PPE for the transfer.
  • Assist personnel to arrange their PPE and safety belt.
  • Communicate with the Crane Operator, Signalman, and Operation superintendent about the number of lifting crew.
  • Stop the lifting if any unsafe condition occurs.
  • Communicate with Signal Man for the readiness of each lifting capacity.
  • Control load movement by using tag line.
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