Safety Initiative to improve performance

Last Updated: December 31st, 2022/Views: 1849/1.1 min read/
Safety Initiative to improve performance

Appreciation Sticker on Helmet

I saw this in one of the contractor helmets, he told me the sticker was given to him along with the monetary award.
Can be implemented a similar system while recognizing the BBS Card or Employee of the month.


  • Make it easy to spot the employees who are doing good.
  • Encourage other employees to follow suit.


  • Controlling how the sticker being issued.
  • If employees swap helmets.

Arm Band as a Shame Wear

Unsafely acting employee is issued with an armband, which he wears until he finds somebody who acts unsafely and passes over to him.


  • Personnel will stop acting unsafely in plublic, fearing to be noticed and having arm band
  • Personnel wearing the band will look urgently for somebody to pass the band over


  • Person wearing the band may continue acting unsafely, since he is already shamed

‘Report to GM’ with Management numbers

Employees are issued with ‘Report to GM’ cards to empower them to report all unsafe conditions or behaviours that they might like to escalate.


  • Personnel feel empowered
  • Personnel may report when double standards or push for unsafe operations happen


  • They might reports about wellfare, employement issues, personal issues
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