Sample Safety Event Commencement Email

The following text can be used when emailing workers to encourage them to participate in your organization’s Safety activities. Fill in the blanks in the highlighted text below to personalize the message for your business.
To: [Company employees, contractors, and other workers]
From: [Senior manager name, title]
Subject: [We Care about Your Safety!]
At [company/organization name], you—our talented and dedicated workers—are our biggest asset, and it’s our responsibility to ensure that you go home to your family and loved ones safe and healthy every day.
[Insert a statement about why safety and health are personally important to you, or tell a brief anecdote about how a safety and health issue directly impacted you or someone you know and why that makes safety and health so important. For example, “I went to the hospital to visit someone injured on the job and I don’t want to see that happen to any of our workers.” or “Earlier in my career, I got hurt doing…and I don’t want anyone else to go through that.”]
[Event name, e.g. Safety Week] is a companywide event to raise awareness and understanding of the value of safety and health programs in workplaces. During the week [or give exact date], we are hosting [event/activity] that shows how we keep our workplace safe through management leadership, worker participation, and finding and fixing hazards.
[Describe events or activities you have planned.]
Because a safe workplace is what makes us a sound business, we encourage all workers to participate in this [event/activity], with the full cooperation of management [explain company policy on participation, clocking in/out, etc.]. You are the experts when it comes to the tasks that you do and the tools and equipment that you use. You are valued partners in making our workplace safer by helping us find and fix hazards before someone gets hurt.
Stay tuned for more information about our Safety Week [event/activity], and thank you for being a part of our commitment to a safe and healthy workplace!
[Insert contact information for participants to use.]
Not sure what it means
But we agree