Schlumberger Safety Management System

Last Updated: August 11th, 2022/Views: 6983/2.2 min read/
  1. Introduction
  2. Commitment and Leadership
    1. Commitment
    2. Leadership
  3. Policies and Objectives
    1. Policies
    2. Objectives
  4. Organization and Resources
    1. Organizational Responsibilities
    2. Organizational Structure
      1. Organization chart
      2. Loss Prevention Team
      3. Rig Medic
    3. Training and Competences
      1. Employee Certification
      2. Training Requirements
      3. Safety Induction Briefing for newly hired employees
    4. Information Management
      1. QHSE Meetings
      2. Toolbox (pre-job) meeting
      3. Pre-spud meeting and Inspection
      4. Newcomers/Visitors
      5. Validity
      6. Bridging documents
      7. Information security
      8. QHSE Newsletter
    5. Standards
      1. Journey Management and Driving
      2. Risk Identification and Accident Reporting
      3. Personal Protective Equipment
      4. Emergency Response
      5. QHSE Passport
      6. Health
      7. QHSE Management System Audit
      8. Information Security
      9. Loss Prevention Team
      10. Exemption
      11. Personal Security
      12. Contractor and Supplier Management
      13. Mechanical Lifting
      14. Pressure EquipmentStandards
    6. Contractor and Supplier Management
      1. Evaluation, Qualification and Selection
        1. Risk Assessment
        2. QHSE requirements shall be detailed in contracts.
      2. Management
        1. Contractors management.
        2. Line Management responsibilities
        3. Contractors QHSE activities
        4. A list of relevant approved contractors shall be available on each site.
      3. Contractor Performance
  5. Risk Management
    1. Definitions
    2. Risk Minimization
    3. Systems
    4. Communication
    5. Accountability
    6. Risk Management training
    7. Prevention and Mitigation Measures
    8. Permit to Work System
    9. Management of Temporary Change
    10. Authorization to Rig-Up Client or Third Party Equipment
    11. Exemption
    12. Handover Process
  6. Design and Planning
    1. Asset Integrity
      1. Equipment & Systems Utilization, Inspections, & Maintenance
      2. Equipment & Systems Modifications
      3. Purchasing
    2. Processes
      1. Explosive, radioactive materials, volatile liquids and gases
      2. Electrical Equipment for Classified Areas
      3. Electrical lockouts
      4. Electrical work
      5. Grounding circuit
      6. Hazardous Condition and Operations
      7. Wireline Operations
      8. Well Perforating
      9. Rig Moves
      10. Supply Boats and Work Boats
      11. Communications
      12. Welding and Cutting
      13. General and Miscellaneous
    3. Planning
      1. QHSE Plans
      2. Safe Start-Up Plan
      3. Environmental planning
      4. Health Planning
      5. Catering Crew Medical Examination
      6. Regular Medical Examination
      7. Special Medical Examination
      8. Malaria Prevention
      9. Health Alert Notice
      10. Vaccinations
      11. Noise
      12. Personal Medical Record
      13. Sick Bays and Medical Stores
      14. Hygiene of Living Quarters
      15. Personal Hygiene
      16. Asbestos
      17. Medical care
      18. Security planning
    4. Emergency Response
      1. Emergency Response Plan
      2. Alarms
      3. Drills
      4. Personnel (Muster) List
      5. Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB)
      6. Medical Emergency Response Plan
      7. Spills
  7. Implementation and Monitoring
    1. Performance review
      1. Bulletin Board
      2. Days Without LTI Board
      3. Performance Environment Measurement
    2. Incident Reporting, Investigation and Review
      1. Incident Reporting/Investigation
      2. Fatality review and follow up
      3. Alerts
      4. The Accidental Risk DataBase
      5. The Safety Net data
      6. STOP Program
    3. Inspection
      1. HSE Checks
      2. Equipment
      3. Weekly hygiene checklist
      4. Rig Site Abandonment Survey
    4. Corrective action
    5. QHSE Recognition
      1. Safety Award
      2. Additional Incentive (Safety) Award Program
      3. Safety Award Plaques
    6. Records
  8. Assessment and Continuous Improvement
    1. Audits
    2. OFS QHSE MS Audits
    3. Hardware Audits
    4. Medical Audits
    5. Reviews 257
  9. Annexes
    1. QHSE Policy
    2. Driving Policy
    3. Crisis Management Policy
    4. Employee Security Policy
    5. Information Security Policy
    6. Substance Abuse Policy
    7. LPT Meeting reports
    8. Employee Induction test
    9. Pre-spud meeting
    10. Pumping flammables
    11. Personnel records
    12. Weekly hygiene checklist
    13. QHSE Management System Guide
    14. QHSE MS Self Assessment
    15. SDS Training Matrix
    16. Summary of Malaria Prevention
    17. Permanent Total and partial Disability
    18. Pre-Job Meeting Card
    19. Land Rig Move Checklist
    20. Rig Site Abandonment Survey
    21. Waste Minimization Indicators
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  1. supplier2344 June 28, 2019 at 10:41 am - Reply

    Good post.Thanks

  2. supplier125 July 3, 2019 at 10:23 am - Reply

    great info.Thanks

  3. Supplier February 4, 2020 at 9:19 am - Reply

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  4. Quality February 5, 2020 at 11:56 am - Reply

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  5. supplier12 February 20, 2020 at 9:15 am - Reply

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  6. sdsnilantha
    sdsnilantha March 18, 2022 at 6:20 pm - Reply

    How do I read the full document of Schlumberger Health and Safety manual?

  7. sdsnilantha
    sdsnilantha March 18, 2022 at 6:23 pm - Reply

    How do I read the full document on Schlumberger Safety Management System

    • caspianexplorer
      caspianexplorer March 20, 2022 at 6:31 pm - Reply

      Hi there,
      We are trying to get it through official channels. Follow our newsletters for updates.

  8. May June 26, 2024 at 11:51 am - Reply

    It is great. May I know how can I get the whole article in pdf version?

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