Write Health & Safety Policy

Your business must have a health and safety policy written down in order to demonstrate your commitment to Health and Safety as per Law and ISO requirements.

A health and safety policy sets out your general approach to health and safety. It explains how you, as an employer, will manage health and safety in your business. It should clearly say who does what, when, and how.

The legal requirement to write a policy is included in the Health and Safety at Work etc Act. The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations explain the steps you must take to manage health and safety.


  • The statement of general policy on health and safety at work that sets out your commitment to managing health and safety effectively, and what you want to achieve;

  • The responsibility section that sets out who is responsible for specific actions;

  • The arrangements section that contains the detail of what you are going to do in practice to achieve the aims set out in your statement of health and safety policy.


  • Legal compliance;

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