Story of a Once Happy Family

Last Updated: December 31st, 2022/Views: 722/










Personnel Injury



Hi, my name is Annette Wolfer. I would like to take some time to introduce you to Murray Lane Wolfer.

The youngest of four children, Murray was born in Brooks, Alberta on October 23, 1964. He graduated from Vauxhall High School in 1982 and attended Lethbridge Community College and SAIT to become an Electrician. Like so many young Albertans, the draw of “the rigs” started Murray on a 20-year career in the oil patch.

Murray and I met in 1986 and we began our lives together as man and wife on April 23, 1988. And we were soon blessed with our son Jesse

To be closer to his new family, Murray left the rigs and started operating oil wells in the Hays area of Alberta.

For years we had talked of adopting a child from Romania … and in 2001 Jesse and I met Valerica. In June 2003, Murray, Jesse, Valerica and I landed in Canada as a family. Life was good!

I saw Murray for the last time on October 1, 2004

He had just completed a 10-day turn-around and was on his way out to work to drop off his overtime sheet

It was a beautiful fall day.  It was clear and sunny.  The road was straight and dry and level for 3 miles.  Typical for Alberta roads.

He was 10 minutes from home…

Murray was on his cell phone leaving a voicemail when the impact happened … not the kind of message any of us want to hear.

  • … he probably didn’t realize he was in the wrong lane
  • … he didn’t see the 22-tonne truck hauling silage that was oncoming in that lane.
  • … and he never touched the brakes.

The police investigation confirmed that in the last seconds before impact, Murray was driving 98 km/h

The silage truck driver saw Murray enter his lane and was trying to enter the ditch. Police feel the silage truck was traveling about 85 km/h when the impact occurred. The force of the impact broke the front axle and drove the engine into the pavement.

Thankfully the truck driver only received minor injuries

Murray was not as lucky.

A 2004 Chevrolet Silverado 3/4 ton doesn’t offer the same protection as a 1987 Freightliner.

Murray survived the impact but died en route to the hospital … he would have been 40 years old in 3 weeks.

At 37, I never expected to bury my husband.

Jesse has to drive by the accident site every day to get to school.

Murray was only able to be Valerica’s dad for 1 year and 3 months … it took longer for us to get her to Canada.

Murray’s Mom and Dad had to bury a son – something nobody should have to do.

We now have a year of firsts ahead of us…

  • … our first holidays without Murray
  • … in April I will have my first wedding anniversary without Murray
  • … in September the kids will have their first birthdays without Murray
  • … and I haven’t even begun to think about the new experiences that we will have as a family without Murray

Murray’s death was a tragic loss.

Remember? Years ago we were able to get along without mobile phones … It’s too bad Murray didn’t think he could do without the mobile phone that day.

We all make personal choices regarding our safety.


Choose NOT to use your cell phone while driving.

It may save your or someone else’s life …

And your family won’t have a life … without a Husband, without Father, Without Son

Murray Wolfer
1964 – 2004

Murray Lane Wolfer, the beloved husband of Annette Wolfer of Hays, passed away suddenly on Friday, October 1, 2004, at the age of 39 years.
Murray was born in Brooks, Alberta on October 23, 1964, the youngest child born to Allen and Pearl Wolfer. He attended school in Hays from grades one to nine and graduated from Vauxhall High School. Murray married Annette Machacek on April 23, 1988. Murray and Annette ranched with his brothers, sister, and parents in the Cessford and Hays area and he was also self-employed as a battery operator in the oil industry.

Murray’s first love was his family; in particular his children Jesse and Valerica.  One of his greatest joys was watching his son Jesse play volleyball and taking Valerica for rides on her horse, Buddy. Murray also loved the company of family and friends while camping and enjoyed sports such as golf.
Murray will be forever missed and loved by his wife Annette and children Jesse and Valerica of Hays; his parents Allen and Pearl Wolfer of Hays; sister Shirley (Jack) Tamaki and brothers Ken  Wolfer and Terry (Donna) Wolfer; a nephew Shaun Dennis; uncle Harold Wolfer; aunts Marjie McCue and Gladys Nixon and numerous cousins. Murray is also survived and loved by Annette’s family;  Frank and Linda Machacek; Patrick (Angela) Machacek; nephew Peyton Machacek; niece Hannah Machacek; grandmother Lillian Paterson and numerous aunts and uncles.

Thank you for reading our ‘Once Happy Family’ story.

by Annette Wolfer
November, 2004



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