HSE Tool – Performance Management
Monthly tasks for an HSE Manager: Ensuring the health, safety, and well-being of employees
As the HSE Manager of our organization, it is my responsibility to ensure that we are meeting our obligations to [...]
Actively and Reactively Safety Data Monitoring
Selecting the appropriate outcome indicator depends on the chosen objectives, but the following is a range of active and reactive [...]
What is Health and Safety Performance Measurement
In order to manage health and safety successfully there needs to be some measure of performance. Health and safety [...]
Strategic Plan vs Annual Plan
Not having a strategic plan is like trying to sail without a rudder. Without a strategic plan, you are [...]
Benefits of Performance Measurement
Continuous performance management involves ongoing, check-in meetings throughout the year, along with real-time feedback to improve employee performance on [...]
Elements of Effective Performance Measurement
Performance management is the systematic process by which an organization involves its employees, as individuals and members of a [...]
Tools for Performance Measurement
Employers measure employee job performance through a variety of tools and processes. Some use more than one, but smaller [...]