Critical Supplies Inventory
Critical Supplies Inventory Safety Engineering: Activity to identify, register, and evaluate critical spare parts or components.
Crisis Emergency Management: An emergency where the situation has escalated beyond the control. Business: An emergency where the situation has [...]
Critical Controls
Critical Controls Safety Engineering: A control or contingency measure which if absent or ineffective, would result in at least one risk [...]
Critical Few
Critical Few HSE Monitoring: A basic management principle which states that a small percentage of specific items, actions, or activities [...]
Critical Equipment
Critical Equipment Safety Engineering: Machinery, equipment, and/or materials that is likely to result in a major loss to people, property, [...]
Corrective Action
Corrective Action Continous Improvement: Any activity undertaken to address an incident or non-compliance, and to prevent its recurrence. Recent studies [...]
Coordination Safety: The process of aligning of various operations to be carried out in a safe and non-conflicting manner; Business: The process [...]
Controls, Safety Risk Management: Controls include preventive measures (reducing the likelihood / probability), mitigative measures (reducing the number and severity [...]
Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance Managemet System: Defining and implementing a system of rules, processes, procedures, and relationships to manage the organization and [...]
Contingency Measures
Contingency Measures Emergency: Measures planned to be undertaken in case if an Accident/Incident occurs, to in order to prevent escalation.
CFC Environment: Chlorofluorocarbons are fully halogenated paraffin hydrocarbons that contain only carbon (С), chlorine (Cl), and fluorine (F), produced as volatile [...]
CIWM Environment: Chartered Institution of Wastes Management. Link