LPT Safety: Loss Prevention Team
Loss Prevention Team
Loss Prevention Team Safety: The Loss Prevention Team is a group of employees, present in every organization, which represents employees [...]
LTIF HSE: Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate
HSE: Lock-out, Tag-out
Letter of Assurance
Letter of Assurance (LOA) HSE: The Contractor Chief Executive Officer (CEO) shall submit an HSE Letter of Assurance (LoA) every [...]
LOA HSE: See Letter of Assurance
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate HSE:Â LTIF or LTIFR refers to Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate, the number of lost time [...]
Lost Time Incident (LTI)
Lost Time Incident (LTI) HSE: A work-related incident (injury or illness) to an employee in which a physician or licensed [...]