Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&ID)
A piping and instrumentation diagram (P&ID) is a detailed diagram in the process industry that shows the piping and [...]
Process Safety
Process safety focuses on preventing fires, explosions, and chemical accidents in chemical process facilities or other facilities dealing with hazardous materials such as refineries, and oil and gas (onshore and offshore) production [...]
Probabilistic Risk Analysis
Probabilistic Risk Analysis (PRA) Risk Analysis: Probabilistic Risk Analysis is another term used for Quantitative Risk Analysis
PRA Risk Analysis: Probabilistic Risk Analysis
PTW HSE: Permit to Work
PFP HSE: See Passive Fire Protection
Passive Fire Protection
Passive Fire Protection HSE: Passive Fire Protection (PFP) is a group of systems that compartmentalize a building through the use [...]
Power End
Power End Engineering: The power end converts the rotation of the drive shaft to the reciprocating motion of the pistons. [...]
PBDG Drilling: Poor Boy Degasser
PPE HSE: Personal Protective Equipment