Vibration magnitudes of some common Power Tools

Last Updated: November 21st, 2022/Views: 7662/6.9 min read/
Vibration magnitudes of some common Power Tools
Selecting suitable vibration magnitude data
  • You should be cautious when identifying vibration magnitude data from which to estimate employee vibration exposures. You need to be careful to select a value that is representative of your work activities and will not produce an underestimate of vibration exposures. Vibration magnitudes associated with machines have changed in recent years (up in some cases, down in others) and you should as far as possible try to obtain up-to-date information. Vibration data is collected for many purposes and is not always suitable for use in estimating daily vibration Vibration data that may not represent the work you are doing includes data measured during non-working conditions such as idling; data used as part of maintenance checks; and data for comparing vibration emissions collected under tightly controlled non-working conditions.
  • You can increase your confidence in the quality or relevance of available vibration magnitude information by comparing data from at least two sources and seeking an explanation of any inconsistent vibration magnitudes. Data based on several models of a machine type may be more robust than data for an individual machine model. However, if data from several sources shows that the vibration of a particular model of machine is lower than is generally expected for machines of the same type, using that lower vibration model may reduce vibration
  • Many organisations hold information on measured vibration magnitudes, including manufacturers of work equipment, employers, trade associations, government bodies and Vibration data is available through technical and scientific publications and from on-line databases. You may be able to find relevant vibration information from others who have experience with the work processes and machines you use. You are likely to be able to find relevant vibration information for at least your initial assessment of vibration exposures without the need to make measurements yourself.
Making an initial estimate of vibration exposure

You can use the ‘recommended initial value’ vibration magnitudes in Table 1 in combination with your observations of durations of exposure (trigger times) to make an initial estimate of daily vibration exposures. In many cases, this will be sufficient for you to determine your duties under the regulations and to review your control measures and revise them as necessary. The ‘recommended initial value’ is a vibration magnitude that is in the upper part of the range of vibration emissions during normal use of many models of the machine type. The actual vibration exposures may be lower than your estimates. However, vibration magnitudes can be higher than the ‘recommended initial value’ and you should make allowance for this. For example, if your estimated exposures are approaching the EAV you should assume that the EAV is likely to be

Reducing vibration exposure by choosing lower vibration models of machine

For many machines, there is scope for reducing vibration exposures by avoiding high-vibration models of a machine type. There will always be some range in the vibration magnitudes due to differences in the work activity, the operators’ techniques, and the condition of the tool etc. The greater the difference between the ‘Range-lower’ and ‘Range-upper’ values in Table 1, the higher the likelihood that there are clear differences between the vibration hazard of competing models of a machine The wider the range, the more likely it is that there is scope for you to reduce vibration exposure by using vibration magnitude to choose between models of a tool type, for example, using vibration data for real use from reliable sources. Selection on the basis of vibration should be made from a shortlist of tools that have already been shown to be well suited to the work.

Industry Tool type Tool characteristic, inserted tool, size, process Notes Range- lower (10%ile)
Range- upper (90%ile)

Recommended initial value (75%ile)

General Drills Standard drill bit Vibration values can vary across the many sub-categories (eg small to large) and different materials being worked. Larger drills tend to give higher vibration values.

Maintaining sharp drill bits is important

2 5 5
General Drills Hole saw 4 12 10
General Drills – Core 78–107 mm Can give very high vibrations if operators push too hard.

Maintaining sharp drill bits is important

6 8 8
General Drills – Impact 5 and 8 mm masonry bit Can give very high vibrations if operators push too hard.

Maintaining sharp drill bits is important

7 13 11
General Grinders – Angle 100–180 mm Vibration values will depend on the force being applied and the different materials being worked.

Selecting the right grade of abrasive and applying the right forces can help to minimise exposures

3 10 7
General Grinders – Angle 125 and 100 mm Flapper discs 2 5 4
General Grinders –


220–300 mm Vibration values can vary across the many sub-categories and different materials being worked.

Applying too much force can produce lobing of the discs and significantly increase vibration levels

4 11 9
General Grinders – Die 5 10 8
General Grinders – Straight Correct selection of the abrasive will ensure that workers do not apply excessive force and keep vibration magnitudes to a minimum 4 9 8
General Nail guns Measured vibration levels are dependent upon rates of use. It can be difficult to assess exposure times correctly 3 13 9
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General Needle scalers Non-vibration reduced 12 26 19
General Needle scalers Vibration reduced 3 8 7
General Nibblers 7 12 12
General Reciprocating saws Operator training and work organization is important. Lower vibrations can be achieved by keeping the tool’s nose against the workpiece 7 27 18
General Sanders – Random- orbital Vibration magnitudes are very dependent upon applied force. Lower vibration magnitudes can be achieved by applying the correct forces and using the appropriate abrasives 6 14 12
General Sanders – Orbital Vibration magnitudes are very dependent upon applied force. Lower vibration magnitudes can be achieved by applying the correct forces and using the appropriate abrasives 4 12 9
Construction Breakers Vibration- reduced models with suspended handles or suspended bodies Normal use by experienced operators. Lower values can often be achieved by improved operator training 7 18 14
Construction Demolition or rotary hammers Can give very high vibrations if operators push too hard.

Maintaining sharp drill bits is important

10 21 18
Construction Plate compactors Non-vibration reduced 9 22 18
Construction Plate compactors Vibration reduced 2 7 4
Construction Pneumatic hammers Can give very high vibrations if operators push too hard.

Maintaining sharp drill bits is important

10 29 25
Construction Saws – Cut- off Masonry cutting 5 14 13
Construction Scabblers Well-designed vibration-reduced machines can give vibration values of less than 5 m/s² 4 14 12
xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
Construction Trench rammers 13 13 13
Construction Water-jetting guns 1 5 4
Forestry / Horticulture Brushcutters – Saw blade 3 5 5
Forestry / Horticulture Chainsaws Good maintenance is important, eg regular replacement of engine mounts and sharpening saw points 3 7 7
Forestry / Horticulture Hedge trimmers Higher vibration values are possible; the data here represents operations on hedges with hedge branches well within the capability of the machines.

Vibration values may be higher if the hedge trimmer often has to work hard to cut thicker branches

3 14 7
Forestry / Horticulture Mowers – Hand-guided 3 8 6
Forestry / Horticulture Mowers – Ride-on 3 6 5
Forestry / Horticulture Strimmers Brushcutter – Strimmer 2 7 7
Engineering Chipping hammers Chipping weld 20 32 31
Engineering Impact wrenches Drive size: 3/8”, 1/2” & 3/4” Measured vibration levels are dependent upon rates of use. It can be difficult to assess exposure times correctly 3 6 5
Engineering Impact wrenches Drive size: 1” Measured vibration levels are dependent upon rates of use. It can be difficult to assess exposure times correctly 7 11 10
Engineering Pedestal grinders Correct selection of the abrasive will reduce the likelihood of workers applying excessive force and will keep vibration magnitudes to a minimum 2 11 8
Engineering Polishers – Angle (hand-held) Mop head or soft-backed pad Vibration magnitudes are very dependent upon applied force. Low-vibration magnitudes are achieved by applying the correct forces 1 3 3
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Stoneworking / mining / quarrying Chipping hammers Chipping stone, concrete, rust Very high-vibration values if the operator holds the chisel (more than 30–40 m/s²). Low-vibration machines are available that give magnitudes less than 10 m/s² 11 22 20
Stoneworking / mining / quarrying Rock drills Vibration values can vary across the sub-categories (eg small and large drill bits and core drills and different materials being worked, such as concrete or stone). Maintaining sharp drill bits and not pushing too hard will achieve lower vibration values 10 28 26
Stoneworking / mining / quarrying Stone hammers If you are not using a vibration-reducing sleeved chisel then vibration values are likely to be much higher on the chisel hand 7 22 18
Woodworking Jigsaws 9 17 11
Woodworking Routers 2 3 3
Woodworking Staplers 2 6 4
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