Last Updated: April 7th, 2022/Views: 317/0.6 min read/

What is VOC? ..

Term VOC means ..


VOC – Volatile Organic Compounds

Volatile organic compounds or VOCs are chemicals that are lighter than air at room temperature and are responsible for the characteristic smells of things like paint thinner and perfumes.

VOCs, come from lots of human-made materials such as paints, petroleum fuels, and pharmaceuticals, as well as natural sources.

If produced mostly by plants, animals, and microorganisms, they are called biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) and play an important role in the chemical processes that occur in the atmosphere.

About 10% of VOCs in the environment are human-made, and many of them, for instance, benzene or perchloroethylene, can cause health problems, especially if a person is exposed to high levels for a long period of time.

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