Becoming NEBOSH UK Certified Instructor

Last Updated: December 31st, 2022/Views: 6581/1.4 min read/
Becoming NEBOSH UK Certified Instructor

1. Contact NEBOSH

Email NEBOSH UK to the following email addresses:,

2. Reply from NEBOSH

NEBOSH will likely reply witht the following email:

All NEBOSH tutors/instructors are employees of our Accredited Course Providers, a full list can be found on our website by clicking here. Please note that we DO NOT accredit/approve individuals to deliver our qualifications.

NEBOSH needs to be satisfied that the course provider has a teaching team comprising people with adequate qualifications and experience in the technical areas covered by the relevant syllabus.  Although there is an expectation that tutors will hold a qualification at a level above that which is being taught, tutors who hold a qualification equal to the one that they will tutor on and are able to demonstrate suitable competence or have specialist subject expertise would be approved as part of a teaching team.

A tutorial team will comprise a course leader/lead tutor who is likely to be a Member of an appropriate professional body such as the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (CFIOSH, CMIOSH, Grad IOSH or equivalent), Institution of Fire Engineers (FIFireE, MIFireE, AIFireE) or other relevant body.

In accrediting programmes, NEBOSH considers the balance of expertise within tutorial teams; accreditation does not imply that any tutor is individually approved or accredited by NEBOSH.

So you need to fulfil the following criterias:

  1. Hold a qualification at a level above you are planning to teach
  2. Be part of the Accredited Course Provider
  3. Be a member of professional HSE body

3. Be part of Team

Choose from the list of Accredited Course Providers from NEBOSH website in your country and ask them if they would agree to host you.

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One Comment

  1. Nianca November 2, 2023 at 11:51 am - Reply

    Please contact e.regarding this .

    Thanl you ,

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