Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate HSE: LTIF or LTIFR refers to Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate, the number of lost time [...]
NEBOSH HSE: National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health is a UK-based independent examination board delivering vocational qualifications in [...]
Lost Time Incident (LTI)
Lost Time Incident (LTI) HSE: A work-related incident (injury or illness) to an employee in which a physician or licensed [...]
Medical Treatment Case (MTC)
Medical Treatment Case (MTC) HSE: Any work-related injury or illness requiring medical care or treatment beyond first aid (regardless of [...]
Recordable Incident
Recordable Incident/Injury/Illness Synonyms: Recordable Injury, Recordable Case, Recordable Illness, Total Recordable Case; HSE: Regardless of where signs or symptoms surface, [...]
Restricted Work Case
Restricted Work Case HSE: Restricted Work Case (RWC) occurs when an employee cannot perform all of the routine job functions, but [...]
Slip-and-Cut Drilling: To replace the drilling line wrapped around the crown block and traveling block. As a precaution against drilling [...]
RA-2 – Rigging Down & Rig Up Operation Risk Assessment
1. Operation These are terms used in the industry for moving in the drilling rig; installing all the [...]
RA-1 – Rig Move Operation Risk Assessment
1. Operation Rig drills the well or wells in one spot. When it’s finished it gets taken apart [...]
RA-8 – Manriding Risk Assessment
Manriding operations, hoisting personnel above or below the rig floor with a winch to perform rig maintenance, are considered a part of normal routine operations by many companies in the drilling industry.
Thermal Insulation
Thermal Insulation Health: Insulation Value. Effective - The insulation value of the clothing plus the still air layer. Clothing - [...]
Thermal Strain
Thermal Strain Health: The sum of physiologic responses of the individual to thermal stress.